Black Hands – A Preview


What if I told you Mundo Deportivo used to focus only on Espanyol, until the 80s? That they only became a “culer newspaper” after noticing they were losing their clash with SPORT, and couldn’t sell more papers than them while supporting The Pericos?
And that, before that, they used to side with the Franco Regime, and the Monarchy?

What if I told you that, after Cruijff was sacked as coach in 1996, Mundo Deportivo did the same they are doing now about Guardiola: attacked Cruijff heavily, wishing to erase his glorious 8 years as our coach? And that even SPORT tried to support new candidates, options, new projects, while Mundo Deportivo wasn’t gonna let “new people” come in, and supported a certain Gaspart to become President and keep all the journalists who used to be Nuñez friends happy?

What if I told you that Nuñez, who managed to remain as our President for 22 years, allegedly used to gift the journalists who defended him with envelopes full of money? And not only that: since he was a very important real estate developer, he used to give apartments to his most active friends in the media. This is how the term “corner journalist” came to be in Catalunya. These journalists were given corner apartments around Barcelona, but were also selling themselves just like any prostitute out of street corners. It has never been proven, but since Nuñez sits behind bars as we speak, for bribing fiscal officials, this isnt far fetched.

And most of them are the same people, or bosses on the same newspapers, that went from defending Nuñez (now in prison) to defending Rosell, Bartomeu and the current board?

What if I told you Mundo Deportivo campaigned heavily to have Mourinho as our coach in 2008, instead of a certain Pep Guardiola?
Yes. And I will now help you with the names of those responsible:

Marius Carol: “the fans are tired of this game with dutch essence”. (The same man who recently said Messi couldn’t even use a bus if it wasn’t for FCB paying for his hormone treatment. A director at La Vanguardia and a lover of Spanish Monarchy).
Eric Bañeres: “I’m the first mourinhista in Barcelona, and I’m sure he will behave better once he signs for us”
Francesc Aguilar: “If you talk to Guardiola and Mourinho, you’ll see they share the same way of understanding football”
Lluis Racionero: “The solution isn’t Guardiola, it’s Mourinho”
Lluis Canut: “It would be a shame that by waiting until the end of the season we let such a solid option like Mourinho escape”
Fernando Polo: “Can anyone say with certainty that FCB wouldn’t play in an attractive fashion under Mourinho? Is there life beyong 433? How many WC titles has the Netherlands won?”
Cristina Cubero: “Mourinho’s philosophy fits because it represents the opposite of what we have seen lately”
Joan Poqui: “Mourinho’s only problem is that he isn’t a cruijjfista”.
Migueli, a club legend that writes whatever people pay him to: “I insist in Mourinho because he is what FCB needs. Even though it may offend some divine prophet (referring to Cruijff), the Portuguese coach offers everything a fan wishes for his team: character, aggressiveness, pride and honesty. We have to sign Mourinho and right now!”

Mundo Deportivo, ran by Santi Nolla, campaigned desperately, and had all their journalists write songs of praises about Mourinho, day in and day out, for 3 long months. Even so, Laporta and his team fought back and put Guardiola in charge.
The rest is history. 14 titles in 4 years. The best team of all time.

That all happened in 2008, and since 2012, after Pep left, most of the journalists listed above, especially Cristina Cubero (whose husband and son are Espanyol socis) have attacked ways in any way possible, even by lying about his relationship with Tito Vilanova.

This is what they did in 2008 to get the coach they wanted.

From 2008 until 2010, to get the President they wanted, they went even further.

The same campaign went on, but Francesc Perearnau did something extra: since he is friends with Mr Blanch, the self-appointed “defender of the culers rights”, he created an anonymous blog, El Pelikano, to viciously attack Laporta. Started months before the elections and only stopped after Sandro Rosell was in power.
Read that again. A Mundo Deportivo “journalist”, after being approach by people close to Rosell, set up an anonymous website to attack Joan Laporta with false information and lies he couldn’t possibly publish in Mundo Deportivo itself.

Here’s the full story on that, with documents that prove it:

Josep Cuní , Montagut, Ketty Calatayud, Albert Soler, Alfonso Arús), Domènech Garcia, Racionero, Canut, Buenafuente are also names we must watch over.

That’s how far these people have gone to stay in power. And we must put a stop to it.

They are powerful, have the ear of the masses, money and no shame whatsoever in lying to get what they prize the most: themselves in a position of power. In being able to keep being “culer voices”, but to just writing whatever the highest bidder asks them to.
This was just a preview.

I will write in length about these media groups and the journalists that have helped the current board bring our club to its knees after the glories we achieved between 2003-2011.

3 vital months ahead, and we must make sure these people make the least amount of damage possible. They’ve done enough.

4 thoughts on “Black Hands – A Preview

  1. Hi,
    The Cubero’s father,Eduardo Cubero,was “socio” number 722 of R.C.D.Español
    Was R.C.D.Español fan clubs coordinator and president of the “Penya los Incansables”,from 1974 to 1995.
    .That fan club is one of the most “antibarça-oldschool” fan club.
    The father pulled some strings in the Mundo Deportivo to help Cristina to have a job.

  2. Standing ovation, Lucas.
    Mundo Deportivo is just one of the tentacles of the powerful media conglomerate Grupo Godó, named after the Count of Godó, one of the few catalans that hold the title of Grande de España, conceded by the Spanish king for the services of his family to the Spanish monarchy.
    Mundo Deportivo, this “culer newspaper” as you said, is available for reading in almost every single bar in Catalonia and, quite astonishingly, is regarded as a relatively respected journal despite being against everything and everyone (Cruijff and Pep notably) that made our beloved club become the admiration of the world.
    The problem is that many socis and culers only inform themselves through this biased source that spreads the same lies and mantras over and over again.
    Eagerly awaiting your next posts about the issue.

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