No Sweden, No Party


Cristiano Ronaldo just lost any chance he had of winning the 2016 Balon D’Or yesterday against Juventus. He did score his usual non-existant penalty, but it wasn’t enough to stop Real Madrid from being knocked-off the UCL.

While in January, 2015 he had actual arguments to win his 3rd Balon D’Or (UCL Champion, 18 UCL goals, European Golden Boot), let’s talk about his 2nd one, in 2014, how scandalous it was for him to win it and how the same thing cannot possibly happen in 2016.

Here’s what Messi, Ribery and CR achieved in 2013:

While CR did score more goals than anyone else (69 in 59 matches), he didn’t win La Liga (Messi did), UCL (Ribery did), or Copa Del Rey (where he was sent off during the final he lost to Atletico Madrid). His only title was the Spanish Supercup.

Ribery won as UEFA’s Best Player and had his Triple with Bayern Munich to back him up, even though individually he was miles behind Messi/CR. Ribery scored only 23 goals in 55 games that year.

Messi, who missed the last 3 months in 2013 due to injury, but still managed to score 45 goals in 47 matches, was the European Golden Shoe winner, and had won La Liga in 2013.

If Ribery had way more titles, plus the UEFA’s Best Player award, and Messi had the Golden Shoe and La Liga, how did CR managed to win the 2014 Balon D’Or?

Because Blatter did this: 

That happened in October 29th, 2013. The original deadline to cast the Balon D’Or votes was November 15th. But CR threatened to not attend the Balon D’Or Gala. The Bernabeu had thousand of masks with CR’s face in it to protest.

Then, on November 19th, CR scored a hat trick against Sweden, and put Portugal on the World Cup (Messi was the South American Qualifiers topscorer and Argentina finished as first, by the way).

FIFTEEN HOURS LATER, FIFA announced they were extending the voting period until November 29th:–report

So let’s make this very clear: in a year where his other two adversaries had more titles than him, CR was gifted a 2 week voting extension 15 hours (!) after doing well in a World Cup qualifier match because FIFA’s President had made fun of him. People often forget how absurd that was.

In 2016, CR has no chance of winning his 4th Balon D’Or.

La Liga is 3 points away from Barcelona, who will also play the Copa del Rey final (which means the Spanish Supercup won’t feature Real Madrid). Barcelona will also play the UCL final against Juventus.

CR will finish 2015 with no titles whatsoever. He could win the European Golden shoe, especially if the Spanish FA/Players Association go on with their strike (the last two league matches wouldn’t be played), but he could still lose this one individual title to Messi, who is only 2 goals behind him and could play 2 more matches.

No World Cup qualifiers against Sweden, ergo, no reason to be gifted a voting extension.

He may score as many Liga/UCL group phase goals as he wishes in the second semester (season 2015/16), but he won’t have a single chance to play a final.

Messi, meanwhile, could very well have a Triple by June 6th, is already ahead of CR in 2015 goals, and still has the possibility of winning the Copa América with Argentina.

This time around, it is simply not possible for CR to be helped in his constant search to tie to match Messi. His little tauting scream during the 2015 Balon D’Or gala, where he said he wanted to surpass Messi in Balon D’Or titles backfired: Not only is Messi having his best season ever, he actually has the chance of winning up to 7 titles in 2015, while already scoring more (Neymar and Suarez are scoring at the same rate as CR in 2015) and giving more assists than CR.

From “No Penalty, No Party” to “No Sweden, No Party”.

In January, 2016, the injustice from 2014 won’t be erased, cause CR still has a Balon D’Or that shouldn’t belong to him, but he will watch Messi win his 5th Balon D’Or.

Bayern Munich: Bad, but doable


Yes, I know. We got the hardest semi-finalist and the noise regarding Pep x Us and Pep x Messi will be unbearable.
But, when we look at the football, it isn’t that bad.

1st Leg, Camp Nou

First of all, even though people will say “Pep is playing both legs at home”, he isn’t. Not even a little bit. It has nothing to do with him knowing our stadium and pitch size. He has always suffered in away matches for one simple reason: the home team always plays better at home, is always more composed to their own fans. And that won’t change.

Take a look at Bayern’s away record on the UCL this season: 5 matches, 2 wins, 2 losses and 1 draws. Out of the last 3 away matches, they lost to City (3×2), drew with Shakhtar (0x0) and lost to Porto (3×1). Pep has always suffered on away UCL ties, but it has been even worse this season, especially on the knock-off phase.

Meanwhile, we only suffered against defensive teams this season on the Camp Nou. Malaga and Celta. The only 2 defeats we suffered at home, both 0x1s, too.  All the other 23 teams fell, including Bilbao, Ajax, Sevilla, PSG (twice), Atlético Madrid (twice), Villarreal (twice), Manchester City, Real Madrid and Valencia. Especially the ones that decided to attack. And there is no chance in hell Pep will sit back against us.

We only conceded twice on UCL at home this season: to Ajax and PSG, still on the group phase, when this team was still being put together. Zero goals conceded to either City or PSG. We won all our home matches and defended really well.

And how can we beat them on the first leg? Well, Rafinha vs Neymar reminds me of Arbeloa vs Neymar on the Confederations Cup final. Messi vs Bernat is gonna be excellent for us as well, even if Alaba returns. And Suarez vs Dante and Boateng is also another advantage for us.

Of course Bayern has a better midfield. And a coach who values its use more. But City and PSG also had good midfields and we could deal with them. The high pressure we applied against PSG, especially from Busquets, should be the way to go.

“Pep is a fantastic coach, he will find a way to keep the ball from us”. Most likely, yes. But no one can prevent Messi from having his 2-3 chances to score/assist in big matches. Just as Pep is the best coach in the world, Messi is the best player of all time. Pep himself already said he would not like to face Messi on 180 minutes. He may control him for 90, but not for 180.

And now Messi has the help of Suarez (who has dealt with way better CB duos than Dante-Boateng, and scored, this season), and Neymar (who will cause Rafinha and Lahm a lot of problem).

Besides that, Bayern is still missing very important players like Benatia, Alaba, Javi Martinez, Robben and Ribery. And we are not Porto.

Pep himself has always said the team that plays at home are favorites. And we are here too.

2nd Leg

The away tie will be very, very hard. Bayern also won all their 5 home UCL matches, and only conceded 1 goal, to Porto on a possible off-side position.

They will keep more of the ball than us, the Allianz is a way smaller pitch than ours, and they will press hard against us.

But… if we win the 1st leg, by 1 or 2 goals, we will have 90 minutes to score away goals.
So, yes, Bayern are favorites to win at the Allianz, but we will have the chance to score goals that could seal the tie in our favour.

Our away record on the UCL is better than Bayern’s, too. Apart from the first trip to Paris, where MSN wasn’t yet a reality and the team was still being assembled, we won all our matches. Beat Ajax by 2, put two past Manchester City and 3 past PSG. This time around, we are not suffering while playing away on UCL, and did very well on the knock-off away matches so far.

When you have players like Messi, Suarez and Neymar against a defense that consists of Rafinha, Dante and Boateng, your chances or scoring away are real.


Everyone is saying this tie is 50-50. And it’s precisely that.

We are favorites at home, their are favorites at theirs, and it will be a match of where a team that is organized around the ball will face one that is organized around their superb attackers.

But, only one team has Messi. He didn’t play on the 7-0 in 12/13, and I’m sure he has some peace to make about that.

How well Messi performs on both ties is the key. We start at 50-50, but if he pulls performances like the ones against City, we are in for another treat.

Black Hands – A Preview


What if I told you Mundo Deportivo used to focus only on Espanyol, until the 80s? That they only became a “culer newspaper” after noticing they were losing their clash with SPORT, and couldn’t sell more papers than them while supporting The Pericos?
And that, before that, they used to side with the Franco Regime, and the Monarchy?

What if I told you that, after Cruijff was sacked as coach in 1996, Mundo Deportivo did the same they are doing now about Guardiola: attacked Cruijff heavily, wishing to erase his glorious 8 years as our coach? And that even SPORT tried to support new candidates, options, new projects, while Mundo Deportivo wasn’t gonna let “new people” come in, and supported a certain Gaspart to become President and keep all the journalists who used to be Nuñez friends happy?

What if I told you that Nuñez, who managed to remain as our President for 22 years, allegedly used to gift the journalists who defended him with envelopes full of money? And not only that: since he was a very important real estate developer, he used to give apartments to his most active friends in the media. This is how the term “corner journalist” came to be in Catalunya. These journalists were given corner apartments around Barcelona, but were also selling themselves just like any prostitute out of street corners. It has never been proven, but since Nuñez sits behind bars as we speak, for bribing fiscal officials, this isnt far fetched.

And most of them are the same people, or bosses on the same newspapers, that went from defending Nuñez (now in prison) to defending Rosell, Bartomeu and the current board?

What if I told you Mundo Deportivo campaigned heavily to have Mourinho as our coach in 2008, instead of a certain Pep Guardiola?
Yes. And I will now help you with the names of those responsible:

Marius Carol: “the fans are tired of this game with dutch essence”. (The same man who recently said Messi couldn’t even use a bus if it wasn’t for FCB paying for his hormone treatment. A director at La Vanguardia and a lover of Spanish Monarchy).
Eric Bañeres: “I’m the first mourinhista in Barcelona, and I’m sure he will behave better once he signs for us”
Francesc Aguilar: “If you talk to Guardiola and Mourinho, you’ll see they share the same way of understanding football”
Lluis Racionero: “The solution isn’t Guardiola, it’s Mourinho”
Lluis Canut: “It would be a shame that by waiting until the end of the season we let such a solid option like Mourinho escape”
Fernando Polo: “Can anyone say with certainty that FCB wouldn’t play in an attractive fashion under Mourinho? Is there life beyong 433? How many WC titles has the Netherlands won?”
Cristina Cubero: “Mourinho’s philosophy fits because it represents the opposite of what we have seen lately”
Joan Poqui: “Mourinho’s only problem is that he isn’t a cruijjfista”.
Migueli, a club legend that writes whatever people pay him to: “I insist in Mourinho because he is what FCB needs. Even though it may offend some divine prophet (referring to Cruijff), the Portuguese coach offers everything a fan wishes for his team: character, aggressiveness, pride and honesty. We have to sign Mourinho and right now!”

Mundo Deportivo, ran by Santi Nolla, campaigned desperately, and had all their journalists write songs of praises about Mourinho, day in and day out, for 3 long months. Even so, Laporta and his team fought back and put Guardiola in charge.
The rest is history. 14 titles in 4 years. The best team of all time.

That all happened in 2008, and since 2012, after Pep left, most of the journalists listed above, especially Cristina Cubero (whose husband and son are Espanyol socis) have attacked ways in any way possible, even by lying about his relationship with Tito Vilanova.

This is what they did in 2008 to get the coach they wanted.

From 2008 until 2010, to get the President they wanted, they went even further.

The same campaign went on, but Francesc Perearnau did something extra: since he is friends with Mr Blanch, the self-appointed “defender of the culers rights”, he created an anonymous blog, El Pelikano, to viciously attack Laporta. Started months before the elections and only stopped after Sandro Rosell was in power.
Read that again. A Mundo Deportivo “journalist”, after being approach by people close to Rosell, set up an anonymous website to attack Joan Laporta with false information and lies he couldn’t possibly publish in Mundo Deportivo itself.

Here’s the full story on that, with documents that prove it:

Josep Cuní , Montagut, Ketty Calatayud, Albert Soler, Alfonso Arús), Domènech Garcia, Racionero, Canut, Buenafuente are also names we must watch over.

That’s how far these people have gone to stay in power. And we must put a stop to it.

They are powerful, have the ear of the masses, money and no shame whatsoever in lying to get what they prize the most: themselves in a position of power. In being able to keep being “culer voices”, but to just writing whatever the highest bidder asks them to.
This was just a preview.

I will write in length about these media groups and the journalists that have helped the current board bring our club to its knees after the glories we achieved between 2003-2011.

3 vital months ahead, and we must make sure these people make the least amount of damage possible. They’ve done enough.

No Surrender


The internet has provided me with a great deal of unique experiences over the last 16 years. But, in the end, what matters are the relationships I’ve developed since 1999. I have made friends all over the world and developed long lasting relationships with people from my continentally big country that I would have never met in an offline life. People like Daniel (my best friend, my brother), Juliana (my runner), Luiz (my artist), Julio (the one biggest football fanatic I know), Marcelo (the oldest and nicer gamer out there) and Carolina, the woman who has changed my life and continues to do so 8 years after first “meeting” her.
Since 2009, twitter managed to magnify this constant flow of information and friends in a surprising way. Not only did I manage to learn two languages I never thought I would be capable of, I made friends like Angel (my mentor), Jelani (the quiet guy in the back of the classroom), Rafael (the restless kid), Maria (the hotheaded Chilean), Jordi Pascual (my coach), Frederic (my journalist), and many more excellent people I proudly get to call friends. People who I talk to week in and week out and are always there when I need them.
But yesterday, April 11th, I lost my first follower. I received the devastating news that Jordi Sirera had passed away. I knew @bruttocat had been battling cancer since February/2013 at the same time he was on a long legal battle against this board, and was always by my side on our trenches against this board and their bodyguards.
Jordi was catalan, a die hard culer (he was actually the one who taught me how to say it, when I insisted in saying “culé” all the time), on his early 40s (he once asked me about Rivaldo, saying they were the same age), in love with a tough as nails lawyer (something I can relate perfectly to: just move 1.400km away from home to be with mine), a great father and a better man. For all of those things we had in common, I always considered him a friend. I never met him, or had been in the same continent as him, but since 2013 he has been part of my daily life, someone who I talked to frequently, and who had been fighting this board in a way I never could.
He was actually being sued by them, in the Responsibility Action that they lost in October/2014. This is how Jordi reacted to it:

I have lost many dear, important people. After my mother passed away, the first thing I couldn’t remember was her voice. I can’t recall how she sounded like anymore. Yesterday, when all of us who knew Jordi were dealing with his departure, I noticed we all did the same: we kept posting his avatar on our tweets dedicated to him. Over and over. Which made me realize: his voice will never be forgotten. His 34 thousand tweets will always be there for us to check, and his blog will also be there when we miss the strength he showed while battling cancer (, and the passion he had to defend our club against this board.
It’s the one thing social media provides us when someone close to us leaves: we can still read their thoughts, passions and rants when we miss them. In a way, it’s like they never left.

Jordi, you’re gone, but I’ll promise to tweet HEM GUANYAT FILLS DE LA GRAN PUTA!!!!!! When we take these people from our club this July.
And to do the same after September 27th.

As you once said: “Isn’t it beautiful that destiny has given us the gift of saying goodbye to this country with a huge boo towards their hymn, like it should happen?”

It is, my friend. And so was your life.

Thanks for being here and helping us see the value of always fighting for what you believe in. Your place on the trenches won’t ever be filled.

Una abraçada, amic. Fins sempre.

Forget Javi Varas

Javi Varas once saved it all, even a Messi penalty on the last second in 11-12. But I have never seen such a superb performance by an adversary’s GK at the Camp Nou. 

The man saved what? 8? 10 clear chances? Saw the ball hitting the post THREE TIMES?!

Stopped several one-on-ones against Messi and Neymar?

Superb. One of the best GK performances of all time. Certainly one to remember. 

As was this match. Our best yet under Lucho, who read Pellegrini’s weaknesses perfectly. If not for Hart’s stopping (pun intended) this could have been a 7-8×0 thrashing. 

City created almost no danger. Our only weakness at the back was named Mathieu. Seemed scared of Yaya and his passing remain atrocious. 

And Messi had again a superb, unique match. But again had Hart to get on his way. Could have scored 3 today against a normal human being as a GK. 

But this match was all Hart’s. Our performance is noteworthy, however, and this Messi is the best we have ever had. We are in a for some more God like performances. 

The future does look bright. 

Here’s my breakdown of the match:

4min: Alba x Nasri. Dumb Alba. 

6min. Neymar change. Good Alves press. 

7min. Fluffed counter. Messi great. 

10: Neymar-Messi-Iniesta-Messi shot. Good Hart save. 

12: Mathieu cant handle Yaya and Alves blocks Milner. Dangerous.

15: Great Messi FK. A bit high. 

27: Another FK very close from Messi. 

31: Superb Messi assist and Rakitic lobs Hart. GOLAZO. Messi owned Kolarov and Milner just by knowing how to hold on to the ball. 

37: Messi has decided to break the record for most nutmegs, apparently. And Guardiola loved it. 

40: The Best Messi of all time. Jawdropping. He glides all over the pitch, megs everyone and see passing lanes that belong on the 5th Dimension. 

43: Second post hit. Suarez, from a great through ball from Neymar. 

1st Half. Dominance. With this Messi, we will always prevail. He managed to achieve the impossible: be even better than he was in 12-13. 

And to those who said Pep would come as an enemy, how can you see an enemy at a man who is watching the club of his life, on his soci seat, besides his best friend and his parents?

The man loves this club. The fact he was driven away does not make him less of a culer. 

2nd half:

47: Anoter superb Messi pass, but Alba cant convert it. 

62: Superb Neymar-Messi-Suarez linkup, but Suarez shoots wide. Great play. 

68: Mathieu x Yaya. The French lost ALL challenges. How could possibly Bartra do worse??

77: Aguero is really a good friend of Messi. Missed the penalty. 

Will he get as attacked by English media as Messi was in February?

78-92. Joe fucking Hart. What the 

How To Dismantle A Crook – Episode 1: Jason Pettigrove


I often get sent the most ridiculous articles about FCB and our players. I usually don’t bother reading, but there are some “authors” with such a fantastic track record that I decided to create a series in my blog: How To Dismantle A Crook.

The first episode will feature Jason Pettigrove, who writes for Bleacher Report (I know, sorry) and apparently is a FCB Penya member!

He wrote this about Lionel Messi on January 18th, 2015:

“Transfer Ban and Team Decline 

We won’t know what the true fallout from the year-long transfer ban will be until we are almost at its end, but for a team that wants to be challenging for the top honours, it’s an absolute disaster.

The evolution of any side depends on the ability to freshen up the squad occasionally and, in Barcelona’s case, purchase a high-quality replacement for any position.

Since Pep Guardiola‘s decision to leave, Barca have slowly but very surely eroded in terms of its talent base, to the point where the signings of Thomas Vermaelen and Douglas are lauded.

For Messi to be happy and assured of the club’s commitment, building a team full of European football’s best exponents around him is a prerequisite.

What must he and his entourage be thinking when the club goes out and buys a player such as Douglas knowing that, for a year at least, this is the quality of player who he is expected to win the Champions League alongside?

For a club of Barcelona’s stature, what message does that send?

And that’s without considering the discussion over which signings they will now miss out on because they can’t sign anyone until 2016.  

I see. So the man who patiently waiting 9 months to get renewed would leave the club of his life because of 4 months we won’t sign players from July-December 2015?
And the fact he’s been asking for a 9 since 2012, and got the best there is on Luis Suarez surely doesn’t count, right? I mean, “Argentina x Uruguay will never work!”, right?!

Chance to Spearhead a New Project Elsewhere

Whether it’s Chelsea, Manchester City, Paris Saint-Germain or any other club that could afford the package to sign Lionel Messi, the chance to prove himself in another league could be too good to turn down.

Unlike Cristiano Ronaldo, who has proved his worth in both the Premier League and La Liga, Messi’s doubters will always remain unconvinced as to his excellence until he shines in one of the other top European leagues.

Forgetting, of course, that Messi remains atop the all-time scoring chart in the Champions League—the barometer of greatness at this point.

The chance to spearhead a new project alongside the type of player that Barcelona promised him, and then failed to deliver, would be very attractive indeed.

Oh, but of course! The man who has broken every single record in La Liga, is currently building a mansion and just registered his son to study at Barcelona would love to start a “project” funded by oil money teams. Because they have all been so successful, and have such greats, numerous fans supporting him!
And who wouldn’t want to play on such a superb league as Ligue 1, come one!
Messi could have asked for any amount when he renewed last year. He did not.
He asked for a competitive team, and, even though I do not agree with the methods, this team is exactly that.

On October 31st, 2014, he wrote this about Joan Laporta:

Joan Laporta is back on the scene in Barcelona and that can only spell bad news for fans of the club.

But of course! The man who was responsible for bringing Cruijff back, who then picked Rijkaard and Guardiola, coaches who won THREE UCL titles in 6 years, who made everything possible to keep Messi happy, and worked to sign the players who achieved perfect, as in, 6 titles in a year, is “ONLY BAD NEWS!”.

Synonymous with the unprecedented success of the PepGuardiola era, this Catalan lawyer is one slippery customer. Perhaps even more so than his much-derided successor Sandro Rosell.

But of course Laporta is worse than Rosell!
Rosell only had the club’s books cooked so he could try to incriminate Laporta on something he didn’t do, and signed Neymar on such a way our club, a 115 year old institution is being sued for TAX FRAUD.
Oh, I forgot! Laporta sleeps with porn stars and drinks cava! Can’t have that!

The trophies that were won during his tenure as president of the club seem to have conveniently glossed over the incredible financial mismanagement during his time at Camp Nou.

He left the club in a SURPLUS, which was proved by A JUDGE!
But hey, you only write stuff you actually RESEARCH, like a proper journalist, right?

Let’s be clear. Rosell himself deserved to fall on his own sword and his “whiter than white” election campaign was a little embarrassing to say the least.

But the concerns that his administration raised were relevant and genuine.

No, they weren’t. Rosell cooked the books, lied, and Laporta left the club in a much better state than he got it in 2003.

Indeed, renowned accounting firm Deloitte, who were instructed to carry out a detailed audit by Rosell upon takeover, uncovered a very different scenario to the picture Laporta was painting at the time.

And that renowned account firm was wrong. Rosell had them cook the books and the Judge noticed. How about that?

Given Laporta‘s legal background, it’s not too difficult to imagine the spin that he and his board wished to put on what was, effectively, a ruinous situation were it allowed to continue for much longer.

Yeah! A spin! I mean, a Judge, someone who actually studied the case instead of only collecting bullshit from the internet like you like to do, say he  left the club in a surplus!
I mean, that is ruinous for real!

A promise to deliver David Beckham to Barcelona was possibly the single most significant statement which began to win the voters round, but it was a promise he failed to deliver. Ronaldinho was a more-than-adequate replacement, but Rosell and others soon saw through the flashy exterior.

He did promise Beckham. But he also had it all planned with Florentino. He used Beckham’s name, but did NOT fail to bring him. He was never gonna.

The incessant arrival of silverware appeared to soothe the Barcelonasocio members brows and arguably were happy to overlook any shortcomings in the Laporta administration.

The “incessant arrival of silverware” happened due to the “shortcomings” of the Laporta administration.
So, thanks for making sense!

Should Laporta find enough support to consider doing just that, then Barcelona fans everywhere need to choose wisely.
Do the signings of Neymar and Luis Suarez, and putting a sponsor on the Blaugrana shirt really override the continued good health of the organisation?
A question of style over substance. You choose…

Thank God 49% of actually voting socis want him back.
Because, if Rosell’s management was “substance” and Laporta was only “style and flair”, then fuck substance.
Oh, I forgot!
Laporta managed to leave the club on the green, while Rosell only has good numbers due to the Qatar sponsorship. Without it, all red, each season.
Funny Laporta managed to do well without ever selling our shirt, huh?

This article will be expanded, with treasures of wisdom such as:

Bartomeu’s Farce – Part 1


From the moment the CAS appeal made sure we indeed weren’t gonna be allowed to make signings in 2015, I raised the following point: FIFA can only prevent us from registering players, but we can sign whoever we want.

It was obvious, from a legal standpoint, but it’s still a scheme, a maneuver a “trampa”, as said in Spanish. It’s not even a “loophole”, as you’re gonna see ahead.

We CANNOT, legally:
sign players as in: said player gets to be called a FCB player and presented as such;
“sign a player” and loan him to his current club: IMPOSSIBLE! For us to loan a player back to his current club, we would first need to register him as ours, and since that cannot be done, we obviously cannot loan players back.
release an official club statement saying we “signed” players: all we can do is pay for a player’s current club to “hold” the player for us, then transfer him to us when January/2016 comes, and we would either pay more so the current club cover said player’s fee, or pay it all by ourselves. Besides, the club would need to NOT register said player at the UCL, which is something we would have to pay extra for, most likely.
– have a precontract with any club: FIFA does not allow precontracts between clubs, and especially not between a player under contract with a club and another club that wishes to sign him. That is only possible when the player is a free agent or about to end his current contract.

What this scheme allows us to do: Pay for a club so that they “hold” one of their players for us until January 2016. And that’s it.

It wouldn’t be legal because THERE WOULDN’T BE ANY CONTRACT!
This would need to happen by trusting the selling club 100%, only by words and a firm handshake.

So, as you can see, we can “sign” players, but the operation is far from simple, safe, and we would most likely get some sort of punishment from FIFA.

Nevertheless, Bartomeu has been using Mundo Deportivo for several weeks, and even SPORT joined the chorus, by promising us player the “legendary” Ariedo Braida is “scouting”.

Yes, the man who signed Kaka’s brother and paid 25mi euros for Ronaldinho is now supposed to be some sort of genius, not just someone who was lucky enough to have Berlusconi wealth to procure any big player he wished.

It’s just a very cheap ploy from Bartomeu to get votes from the fans Rosell has always prayed upon: older socis who has no access to the internet, or to people who actually believe that kind of junk that MD/SPORT spill daily.

But that is the subject for part 2…

Manchester City x FC Barcelona



1st Half:

4th minute: Messi gives a long ball to Neymar, but their CB cuts it.

8th minute: City get a FK after a Neymar error and a Mascherano badly timed tackle. Not really a threat.

10th minute: Iniesta-Neymar-Messi, who is blocked inside the area by Demichelis. Great first time dribble from Ney on Zabaleta.

12th minute: Suarez gets a clear chance, decides to pass instead, gets it back, but his shot is wide.

15th minute: GOAL FROM SUAREZ! A cross from the right from Messi, Suarez can’t head it, but it bounces off Kompany’s back and Suarez buries it with his left. MCI 0 x 1 FCB.

17th minute: The usual Camp Nou’s Catalan Independence chant heard at the Etihad.

21st minute: Ridiculous “cross” from Alves, on a decent chance upfront…

25th minute: Superb through ball from Neymar, but Suarez is stopped by Hart.

30th minute: GOAL FROM SUAREZ! Messi dribbles 3, gets it to Alba with a lot of space, who crosses to the penalty area and Suarez gets to it before Demichelis. MCI 0 x 2 FCB.

31st minute: Superb lofted through ball from Messi, but Neymar can’t pull the Vaseline.

35th minute: FCB has already managed 3 shots on target, the same we achieved at the Camp Nou in 94 minutes against Malaga. City is still to hit it.

38th minute: Superb tackle from Pique to end a City counter.

43rd minute: Alves gets a lot of space to run, tries to cross and hits the bar.

45th minute: City gets their first shot on target, which is saved by Stegen.

Verdict: We crushed City.
Had 6-7 clear chances, scored 2 goals (we deserved at least one more). Messi has been superb, directly creating both goals, and Neymar is indeed quiet, but already gave 2-3 great though balls that weren’t properly used.
It’s all happening through the flanks (as the coach wants), but we are not being overrun at all in the midfield. Pellegrini’s choice to use Demichelis has again helped us, but using Fernando instead of Fernandinho was his key mistake. Fernando is far from being the player Fernandinho is, and his influence on the game is irrelevant.
This has been a great match so far, and if the team gets Messi and Neymar on shooting conditions, we could even seal the tie already.

2nd Half:

48th minute: Mascherano blocks Nasri with a great sliding tackle. City started the 2nd Half much better and got several corners. Dzeko got a clear chance in front of Stegen, but headed it very softly. City, in 3 minutes, matched their shots on target from the 1st half: one.

53rd minute: After a Busquets’ error, Aguero gets free of Mascherano and shoots wide.

55th minute: Pique blocks a backwards pass from Dzeko. City much more dangerous so far.

57th minute: City completes another weak header, but keeps piling on clear chances.

61st minute: Pellegrini gets Fernandinho in for Nasri. Could cause us trouble on the middle.

65th minute: Mascherano times his tackle horribly, and Aguero makes a dangerous cross that Pique manages to block.

67th minute: Bony in for Dzeko.

68th minute: Clichy robs it from Messi, Fernadinho (of course) gives it to Silva, who, with his backheel, gives it to Aguero to score. MCI 1 x 2 FCB.

69th minute: Luis Enrique takes Rakitc off for Mathieu. Here we go with a double pivote away, then.

73rd minute: Clichy sent off for hitting Alves’ knee.

74th minute: Adriano for Alves. Alves apparently injured.

75th minute: Great play between Alba and Suarez, but Zabaleta blocks the catalan from shooting. Our clearest chance on the 2nd half.

76th minute: Our first “shot” on target, from Messi, is saved by Hart.

77th minute: Sagna for Silva. Pellegrini goes defensive.

79th minute: Pedro for Neymar. Neymar gave 2-3 greats passes, but was very quiet today.

85th minute: 3rd weak “attacking” foul the ref gives against us. Making up for his red to Clichy.

90th minute: Messi scores a Messi goal, but correctly ruled offside.

92nd minute: Zabaleta penalty on Messi, after a 1-2 with Pedro.

93rd minute: Hart saves Messi’s penalty, who can’t score from the rebound either. The end.

Final Ruling:

1st half was ours, 2nd was theirs until Clichy’s red.
City overran us from the start of the 2nd half until Clichy was sent off. And we only managed 2 shots on target during the last 45 minutes, 1 from a weak lobbed Messi finish, and the second for Messi’s penalty.
City came back focused and suffocated us for pretty much the whole time they had 11 player on the second half. Fernandinho coming in, as I predicted, gave them a goal in just 7 minutes.

The result is great, considering it’s an away match on English soil, but considering how dominant we were on the 1st half, and the penalty we had on the last play of the match, we should have scored at least 2 more goals.
Now, we can even lose 0-1 at the Camp Nou, but now Pellegrini knows his midfield: Yaya and Fernandinho will play, and will cause us trouble. I just hope we don’t play with double pivotes due to that, like we did when PSG came visiting.

Fly or Die

cruyff pep

“In my neighborhood, there are four black people. Hundreds of houses, four black people. Who are these black people? Well, there’s me, Mary J. Blige, Jay-Z and Eddie Murphy. Only black people in the whole neighborhood. So let’s break it down, let’s break it down: me, I’m a decent comedian. I’m a’ight. [applause] Mary J. Blige, one of the greatest R&B singers to ever walk the Earth. Jay-Z, one of the greatest rappers to ever live. Eddie Murphy, one of the funniest actors to ever, ever do it. Do you know what the white man who lives next door to me does for a living? He’s a fucking dentist! He ain’t the best dentist in the world…he ain’t going to the dental hall of fame…he don’t get plaques for getting rid of plaque. He’s just a yank-your-tooth-out dentist. See, the black man gotta fly to get to somethin’ the white man can walk to.”

No, this isn’t an article about racial inequality in the United States. Or an article to praise the genius of Chris Rock (who will finally return to the road soon). This is an article to remind us culers of the importance of our style when it comes to winning titles.

You see, Chris Rock’s bit about “black man gotta fly to the get something the white man can walk to” sums up perfectly FC Barcelona’s relation to the Champions League compared to Real Madrid’s. Hits the nail right on the head.

We have only won the UCL (1992, 2006, 2009, 2011) when we were completely dominating in Spain. And not only through results, mind you. From playing the best brand of football in Europe, the most attractive style you could think of. We have to FLY to win the UCL. And, also, at least win La Liga while doing it. We are a 115 year old team, with the biggest stadium in Europe and the best player in History, but, if we are not playing so well as to achieve the double, we simply do not win the UCL.

Real Madrid, on the other hand, is the “white man that simply walks to get something important”. They have won 10 UCL titles, 3 more than any other team in History, but only TWICE won the Liga-UCL double while doing it. And that happened on the 1956-57 and 1957-58 seasons, when not only did they have a certain Alfredo playing for them, but the rules to the European Cup were very different back then. We rarely played it, for instance, because only the actual League Champion could qualify. And, for some reason, the English teams could not participate back then, but that’s a subject for another article..

What I’m saying is: 100% of our UCL titles came from, AT LEAST, a Liga-UCL double (we won the Triplete in 2009-2009), while RM’s UCL titles only came with a double on 20% of their UCL titles, and on a time when not only they had their best ever player, but the European Cup was much easier to achieve than nowadays.

The 2011-12 season is a perfect example of that. We fought hard against RM for La Liga, tried to catch up to them after being behind by several points, but ultimately, could not win the title. A few days later, on a match our style was brilliant and luck failed us, we were also knocked out from the UCL by a coach that would win it, but then be unemployed for over 3 years.

If we are not completely dominating domestically, we simply do not win the Champions League. It’s Fly or Die for us.

That’s why we should never compromise. Sure, we beat Atleti 3 times out of 3 this season. We are doing well in UCL, almost in the Copa del Rey final. But the style is far from the one that brought us all the glory we have witnessed since 1988, since Cruijff took over.

There are many names for it: Total Football, Tiki Taka, Possession Football. You can use whichever name you like. To me, it does not need a label. It needs to be seen to be understood, and, when you actually stop do watch it, it’s quite simple, really.

You keep the ball, have 3-4 passing options around you, move slowly, but constantly, horizontally, and chaos will soon be generated. The midfield is key for all that. We have 3 or 4 defenders, whose job is quite simple: keep a high line to pin the opposition’s forwards back, and get the ball to the one player that starts it all: our CDM.
The CDM is the one who starts all the triangulations. He gets close to the 2 CMS (we can also play with 2 CMs and a CAM), and the magic happens.
Through triangles, and moving the ball to the players in a better position, these 3 or 4 midfielders generate the chaos we need.
But their job is only possible when we have two wingers pinned to each flank. That way, the adversary’s defense is stretched on all fronts: each CB has to help the FB deal with our wingers, so both CBs aren’t really able to stop our 9 (or false 9). Of course the adversary’s CDMs (usually 2, maybe even 3), could box in our 9 or F-9, making the CBs job easier.
But, when the midfield is well put together, chaos will happen either way. You can stop our center forward, but you can’t stop him, our 2 wingers and 3-4 midfielders who move around constantly, looking for that one opening, that one passing lane that will allow us a shot.
That’s it.
All of that happening while playing together, pressing like mad men and being focused not only on the adversaries, but in seeing and giving the ball to our player on the best position to create/score.

The system works (we have 13 Liga titles and 4 UCLs since 1988 to prove it),  and it is beautiful to watch. It’s art in motion.

Beautiful football will always be remembered. Because people may forget the results, but they will never forget how some teams made them feel. It’s about the little moments during the match that take your breath away, not only the goals count.

It’s Iniesta and his water dancing. Busquets and his “half pass”. Xavi and his 30 meter punt passes. Alves and Messi making 1-2s in the middle of 5 players.

No one talks about Italy 2006, Brazil 2002/1994 or Germany 1990. They played in a fashion to get a title, but not in a fashion to leave an impression on football lovers.

They talk about Maradona in 86. But the one World Cup team they talk the most is Brazil 82. And they did not win the title. But they made people happy. They had fun out there, and so did the fans. The style, the system managed to accomplish domination by providing a spectacle. And that is what we should always want.

Brazil 70 is also remembered by that. Argentina 78 and England 66 are more remembered by the polemics than the actual football. And Germany managed to best both Hungary 54 and Netherlands 74, the teams that caused awe in most fans and sparked footballing Revolution around the World.

Beautiful football will always be valued. It’s timeless. We have a system that has achieved results while playing superbly well on 3 different eras, under 3 different coaches (Cruijff, Frank, Pep). We should never compromise this treasure we were given because it’s “hard” to play that way. We may be winning most matches by using the flanks and giving it all for Messi and Neymar to create and score. But will that be enough to warrant us our first standalone UCL title? Or leave an impression on football that will be remembered and cherished on years to come?

Pedro for Iniesta

FCB x Malaga

7th minute: Alves proves he needs to be renewed and no other RB ever could replace him for the 6 months we’d have to rely on Adriano, Montoya, Mascherano, Bartra and DOUGLAS.
Malaga scores from his mistake.

14th minute: Neymar keeps losing the ball on the wing. When you rely so much on the flanks, you need to either combine well with the MF/FB, or complete every dribble. It’s easier to combine with team mates and generate superiority through the possession of the ball, then to beat 3 markers on the dribble each time.

30th minute: only shot on target so far was from a second ball. From a corner. Blocked, too.

32nd minute: perfect counter from Malaga. Bravo saved.

35th minute: Another shot on target for Malaga.

38th minute: our second shot on target. A header from Iniesta, who has never scored a header. Ever.
Pass from Messi.

1st Half: After 45 minutes at the Camp Nou, we only managed 2 shots on target (from a corner and a header from a man who has never scored a header). All plays from the flanks.

Busquets watches the game while we use the flanks like madmen. Iniesta and Rafinha play second fiddle to Neymar and Messi, who, even with Alves and Alba’s support, cant get past the triple marking. And that isnt because they are having an off day: it because our system is limited.

Until 2012-2013, we started everything from the middle, which allowed us to control matches from the technique and intelligence of the likes of Busquets, Xavi and Iniesta. We also used the flanks there, but the game was THOUGHT OF, CONTROLLED, GUIDED by the midfielders.
Now, the CBs quickly get the ball to the FBs (Busquets does not do the one job we need him to: distribution), and the FBs run on to give the ball primarilly to Messi/Neymar, and, when they cant receive, Rafinha/Iniesta.
And when a play wont happen from one flank, instead of giving to a midfield (we no longer have) that could attract markers, and find an opening on ANY POSITION, not only the wings, we just send the ball flying over our poor midfield so the other winger tries to create something.

For over 15 times this season, we have played awful first halves. Let’s see if the team will win again from a second half performance…

Second Half:

54th minute: After another failed attack, the TV cuts to Braida and Rexach on the stands. Shows exactly how we went from bet team on the World to depending only on the 3 huge stars upfront to come up with some genius move. Thanks, Rosell and Bartomeu.

56th minute: Second time this match Messi tries to cross for a Iniesta header. Iniesta is 31 and has never scored a header on his professional career.

60th minute: Neymar awful so far. But not his fault. He wont beat 3-4 markers constantly to try to create something. Simply not sustainable.
Messi also suffering, but his Vision and Passing are the best we have.

62nd minute: Rakitic for Rafinha. Will the MF start creating something or just watch our Flanks Habit?

64th minute: Not shots on target on the second half. 2 during the whole match so far.

65th minute: Clear example of how this system works: Messi all alone on the right flank, trying to over come Malaga’s lines. All 3 of them.
Of course his pass failed. Needs partners.

67th minute: Pedro for INIESTA. The change the sums up Lucho’s System perfectly.

70th minute: Any shots on target on the second half? Nope.

71st minute: Suaraz keeps getting mugged easily by the CBs. If the CMs were closer to the area, that wouldnt happen so often. But since they play Esquire to our wingers…


77th minute: On the first time we could have had a clear change (Pass from Messi), the linesman invented an offside…

83rd minute: On our Clearest chance on the whole match (from a Neymar pass), the ball gets to Pedro.
And Pedro, being the player that “doesnt need to dribble, or create chances, just run”, obviously missed it. Off target.

86th minute: Still no shots on target on the second half. Rakitic sends a long ball that doesnt reach Alba. Yawn.

92nd minute: FINALLY!!!!
A hit on target on the second half. Which is easily saved.

93rd minute: Perfect Messi pass to the area. Pique fumbles it.
The end. We lost.

I dont why I bother to write about FCB, especially after we lose.
I know exactly what people are gonna say:
“The other team plays too, you know?! And they defended/took their chances really well!”
“We played against a parked bus and conceded due to an individual mistake! It’s football, it happens!”
“If the ref had seen that ball that kinda/maybe/sports touched their CB’s arm on the 1st half, and the linesman wasnt blind, we could have won this!”
“Messi and Neymar had an off day. They are tired after so many excellent displays!”

But the truth is simple: we are too predictable. When you the flanks all the time and think Messi/Neymar will best 3-4 players constantly, matches like these will happen.
One day, We’ll get a team that will defend the flanks perfectly, and since our MF does not create anything anymore, we will have MATCHES AT THE CAMP NOU WITH 3 SHOTS ON TARGET!!!

On 12-13, he had a coach that knew, respected and loved our system. We had our MF working really well, Iniesta was superb, and Messi, FROM THE CENTER, scored 50 League goals. We won La Liga by November, reached 100 points and won 18 ou of 19 Camp Nou matches.

So far this season, besides not having a system, we have lost at home to CELTA AND MALAGA.

And Pedro came in for Iniesta.

Tata will be marked forever for saying he “wanted Messi to touch the ball the least possible”.
Lucho wont be forgive for thinking bringing in PEDRO for INIESTA would turn a match we were losing at home…
