Green Lantern’s Light


DISCLAIMER: Before you read on, let me remind the obvious: I do not hate anyone who works for our club. I only hate Rosell, Bartomeu and the board (
I don’t hate Pedro, or Pique. I never hated Tata Martino (even though he said he wanted “Messi to touch the ball the least possible).
However, I will never support players or coaches who are not performing at their best or doing a good enough job.
That’s why I have been critical towards Lucho.
Besides being arrogant with  the press and dealing with the player with a heavy hand, what I saw on the pitch never felt right with our team, our system, our club.
Today, for the first time, his system worked for 90 minutes. And since I have nothing personal against him, this article is dedicated to the first match I actually had fun watching this season.

I didn’t like our 3-1 win against PSG. Or any of the 3 matches against Atletico Madrid (even though the first half of the La Liga one was pretty good). The 0-6 against Elche did not impress me. Or the 3-2 against the Yellow Submarine. In all of those matches, we either lost control of the match and didn’t create changes for dozens of minutes (or even a whole half), or we depended too much on Messi, Neymar and Suarez. We didn’t actually dominate, or were clearly superior for the whole 90.

But, today, against Bilbao at San Mames, we were.

We still didn’t do it through the middle, mind you. Actually, we might as well forget about seeing it under Lucho. The thing that have defined us since 1988, our midfield dominance, will not be seen this season. No horizontal control, triangles, lines close together, or total dominance. We will not completely tame any adversary precisely because we do not use the midfield well enough.

But we will do it out of complete and utter agression upfront.

In a proper tactical analysis, Lucho’s system really doesn’t generate anything. It’s Messi on the right, Neymar on the left, and each get help from their fullback and CM. We do not advance due to a dominance from triangulation and associative plays. We do it because Messi and Neymar are simply too good. They can beat 3-4 players constantly and create something out of nothing. No other team in Europe have players that can destroy a backline all by themselves.

We kept seeing that today, over and over again. Especially from Messi. Dressed in all green, he was our Green Lantern. “In brighest day, in darkest night”. Scored once and created the other 4. The 5th one could only have been scored after a Messi play. No other player alive could have done that. He kept the ball of 8 Bilbao players, while basically walking in front of the area.

The dominance comes from Messi being on his best form since 2012. The dominance comes from Neymar having a superb season in European football. And it also comes from Suarez making the right runs to allow both of our “wingers” to wreck havoc.

For the first time in months, I enjoyed watching our team playing. It’s too vertical, too reliant on MSN, and we are now leaking goals (2 goals conceded on each of the last 3 matches). But, for the first time this season, we kept this chaotic design for 90 minutes.

And dominated. At San Mames.

I do not think this system, this style, is sustainable. Messi one day will face 3 good markers, Neymar one day will have an off day, and Suarez won’t be able to move as much. That’s the danger of relying so much on 3 players out of 11. That’s the reason that I, being the cruijffista I am, will keep wanting to see a proper midfield, a proper build-up, proper control, and Messi playing on the center again.

But, given Messi’s form, Neymar’s brillance and Suarez’s hard work, we can not rule out anything. They are simply too good together.

Individual brillance can win matches, and will keep winning most of them. Soon the hard challenges will arrive: City, Madrid, Villarreal. If we manage to win these 5 matches by playing the same chaotic way we did today, nothing is impossible.

There will always be one exception to prove that a rule is right. In football, having 3 superb forwards is not a guarantee of success. A cohesive team always prevails over individual talent. Maybe, if we are lucky, Messi, Suarez and Neymar are the expections to that rule.

Beware my power, Green Lantern’s light.

From Throne to Gutter

breaking barca

“If I don’t sign Figo, I will pay a year’s membership fee of all Real Madrid socios”. That’s how Florentino Perez managed to become Real Madrid’s President, even though his adversary had just won his second UCL trophy. But Florentino had help to fulfil his promise: from Sandro Rosell.

Rosell was working at Nike at the time, and was responsible for making it easy for Figo to leave Nike, who then owned his image rights. Real Madrid wanted to profit from their new player, and Rosell made sure to calm Florentino down: “To us, the most important thing is the player, and if he wants to play at Madrid, we won’t be an obstacle, even if it means we have to renounce of his image rights”.

Sandro Rosell, who had attended matches on the Camp Nou with his father when a child, was key in making it possible for Figo to become the most hated player for any culer. Rosell sees football as a business, and nothing more.

3 years after that, he was now the Sporting Vice-President under Laporta’s rule. But their good relationship would only last a few months. Curiously, it all began to fall apart after a match against Real Madrid. Sandro wanted power, but he wasn’t the President. So he left the board in 2005.

From 2008 until 2010, he became a strong voice in the opposition, and tried to hit Laporta’s image in any way he could. He had the help from his friends at Group Godó, who happens to own Mundo Deportivo, La Vanguardia and RAC1 Radio, so he had a powerful media group by his side. He decided to run for President in 2010, and make the following promises:

We want to change the statutes so the socis have a better voice.
We helped create the current sporting system, so there’s no sense in changing it.
In 5 years, I imagine an imponent Barça.
We will recover the women’s basketball team.
It’s possible to have a Grada Jove without any kind of violence.
“I hold Cruijff in a very high steem”.
We want to keep the sporting excellence we see nowadays.
“I don’t want to stop new socis from signing, but I want to regulate it”.
3 words to describe my will to become President: Feeling, passion and sport.
The only different thing we want at the sporting sections is that in the short term we have most players coming from La Masia.
The 3 axis of the economic program: Transparency, austerity and growth.
The Barça Model will have key elements in the formation of people, the transfer of values and Fair Play. To start our sporting model, we’ll finish the new La Masia building so we can move immediately, and will build a new one for the other sporting sections.
We will manage the signings accordingly, and we’ll sell players by planning it beforehand and in a planned manner.
When it comes to signings, the priority will always be the squad, and we’ll inform the socis in a detailed manner.
We’ll improve the medical facilities and will build a new High Performance Space, modern and comfortable.
We wont intervene in the technical staff. The sporting model works. We won’t intervene either on football on any other section.
We’ll keep UNICEF on the shirt.
I want to unite the club, not divide it.
The Project Foster (250mi euros) is too expensive.
We want to change the timeslot so the small children can attend matches.
Espai Barça is gonna cost 150mi euros, and will happen in 6-8 years.

Rosell won. 35.021 votes. The most voted President in FC Barcelona’s history. He took over for the 10-11 season.

Then, we had recently won the Triplete (2009), then the Sextete, had the best coach in the world (Pep), the best player in the world (Messi), and 2 straight Liga titles, plus one UCL, when Rosell and his board took over.

During his campaign, he attacked Laporta viciously, inventing lies and using his connection to the media to discredit him, but pointed out 3 positives from Laporta’s Presidency: Pep Guardiola, the removal of the Ultras from the Camp Nou, and UNICEF.

Let’s now see how they proceed to destroy all of that in less than 5 years:

June 13th, 2010: The Beginning of the End
rosell cover
The day Rosell and his board were elected. 35.021 votes. The most votes a FCB President has ever received, 61,35%. After years of bombarding Laporta, and after facing weak opponents, Rosell was now the President.

July 6th, 2010: Cruijff Leaves the Club
cruijff insignia
After starting to say Cruijff’s position as President of Honor should be questioned, treating with hostility, and since 2008 making it clear they would want him away from the club, Johan rebels and just gives the insignia to the secretary on the club’s offices.

The biggest legend our club has ever had, who caused a revolution in 1973 and gave us our first Liga in 14 years, and gave the Catalans a much missed self steem, self worth after decades under Franco, who was about to die. Then returned in 1988, and coached the Dream Team, who played superbly well, won 4 Ligas and our first ever UCL, and laid the foundations to the model La Masia would start using: possession, triangulations, midfielders running the show, wingers, attractive football, no victims of Madrid, who lost 5-0 to Cruijff both as player and coach.
Then returned in 2003 with Guardiola and chose Rijkaard, a man who had relegated Rotterdam on Eredivise, but was given trust. 2 Ligas and our first UCL title in 14 years, also playing an attractive style.
Also said we should sign Pep Guardiola as coach. The man who put us on the highest pedestal ever achieved in football, by developing the best team the world has ever seen, and winning 14 titles in 4 years as coach, surpassing his master, who had coached the club for double the time.
That’s who they had sent away from our club, the one person who knew more about football than all of Rosell’s board put together.

October 10th, 2010: The First of Many Lies
Txigrinski had been signed by the previous board for 25mi euros, and the new board had announced they need to sell him “urgently”, because the club simply had no money after the “mismanagement of the previous board” to pay the players’ wages. They ended up selling him back to his former club for 15mi euros in July, losing 10mi in a few months.
And they lied.
Toni Freixa, on a radio interview on October, confessed they didn’t need to sell to player to pay the rest of the squad’s wages, as they have said then.
What Rosell did here was to show his claws to Guardiola, who wanted to keep the player.
Rosell lied about finances to get rid of a player he didn’t see good enough to remain at the club. A President, someone who should never make footballing decisions, making a maneuver to starve the coach who had won 2 Ligas and 1 UCL in 2 years, of a player he saw fit to keep.
More of that was gonna come.

October 14th, 2010: 250mi euros was too much for a new stadium
The Forster Project, would would renew the Camp Nou with a cost of 250mi euros. A “Pharaonic project”, according to Rosell.
To they had the urbanization plans be suspended by the Catalan Government. Just like that.
They decided it was too expensive, the club was “broke”, and we didn’t even need to renovate the Camp Nou.
As we are going to see, they had other plans…

October 16th, 2010: Their Revenge Began
accion responsabilidad
Rosell, who had been attacking Laporta and his board for years, had hired an accounting company to check the club’s financial books from the Laporta era. And had them cooked, to make it seem like Laporta and his board had left the club in the red.
So they got the club’s Assembly to vote on the “most important decision in the social aspect in the club’s history”.
468 votes in favour, 439 against it and 113 who abstained (Rosell among them). 29 votes sealed the previous board’s fate. Too slim of a difference to be called “the most important decision”.
And the club lost the case. They had lied. Laporta and his board actually had left the club in a surplus:
But for 4 long years Laporta and several of his board members suffered greatly. Were mistreated by the press, the fans (who started to call them liars at the Camp Nou, so several of them stopped attending our matches all together), and lived in anguish, cause they could each end up paying 3mi euros because of a crime THEY DID NOT COMMIT.
Laporta was considered by the fans as a thief. A bad President. Someone who had put the club in the spotlight, but also commited frauds, lied. Rosell even had the press post some of his spenditures: restaurants, chicken, etc. A despicable destruction of his image.
Rosell and his board lost, but appealed. These families continue to suffer (one of them while even battling cancer). But they will win. Justice will finally come to these people, these good people who had managed our club well enough to get us 4 Ligas and 2 UCL on 7 years.

December 10th, 2010: The Day they Tarnished Our Chests
qatar foundation
5 months. All it took Rosell to do something that had never been done in our 111 years of history. 5 months was all it took Rosell to sell the sanctity of our shirt, who had never needed sponsors before, and was then paying 5mi euros/year to UNICEF to have the values it represents, to help UNICEF with their superb work.
Rosell made sure to say Qatar Foundation also were a philanthropy institution, who were responsible for helping thousands of people around the world. Basically: It’s just like UNICEF, only now we get paid for it!
As you could see with the Txigrinski case, and their lies about Laporta leaving the club broke (which he certainly did not), they now had the excuse to sell our shirt “out of necessity”.
166 million euros in a 5-year contract. That’s how much they paid for our soul, our identity.
But it wasn’t only our shirt they bought. More was to come about this board and Qatar. Much, much more…

March 10th, 2011: Beach Soccer Club Barcelona (No, really).
“We are very interested in beach soccer, a young and growing sport”. No, you weren’t.
The board never wanted to add beach football. They wanted to please Ricardo Teixeira, Rosell’s old time friend (1-, 2-, 3-, 4-, 5-
Our Beach Football team only existed for one competition, and hasnt appeared since. A competition organized in Brazil, that filled Rosell’s and Texeira’s pockets with money.
We don’t know how much this stunt cost the club. But “We are broke”, remember?

March 15th, 2011: 200.000 euros for the doping allegations are enough
On March 13th, Cadena COPE’s Partido de La 12, “informed” citing Real Madrid sources, that Los Blancos “found it odd that FCB was working with doctors with a “doubtful reputation”, and were willing to ask the Spanish FA to start making “serious” anti-doping controls on the Spanish League”.
Real Madrid sources. Which means: Florentino had one of his several minions on the press imply that Barcelona was only winning everything and beating Real Madrid constantly because our players were using forbidden substances. Simple as that.
And the club reacted, of course. How could they not?! So we sued COPE for 6mi euros for their lies.
COPE soon conceded. 2 days after, actually. And we let it slide for 200.000 euros.
Any decent board would have kept pushing on and taken every single penny from this disgusting news source. But Florentino called his friend Sandrito, and, well…

June 8th, 2011: Our Baseball Team is no more
Rosell decided to close baseball team, who had existed for 80 years, because it cost the club 300.000 euros/years. All the non-professional sporting sections we had then, cost 0,46% of our revenues.
These people only thing about money, about removing everything that couldn’t generate us revenues.
Keeping something that had existed for 80 years and was actually part of our “Mes que un club” logo, and whatever Qatar had brought us. They also eliminated 12 other sports, who had dozens of kids playing under our colours.
Losing our identity month after month under these people…

September 5th, 2011: Cruijff warns us about Qatar and Rosell
cruijff qatar
El Periodico interviewed Cruijff in 2011 (you can read it in full here:, and the Flying Dutchman warned us about Rosell and Qatar:

“I see strange stuff. What am I talking about? The agreement with Qatar, for instance, when you know Rosell had or has relations, and businesses, and we are talking about a country that has so much money. Then you see they reduce the sporting sections because they do not matter, and says that the club has a lot of debt, and always going on about the economic situation… What do you want? Convert Barça someday in a S.A.? I don’t know. But where are we headed to? What kind of club does Rosell want? There are some things you can’t understand and that make you suspicious. If you want to sell a company, what do you do? You eliminate everything that does not interest the buyer. If the buyer is Qatar, for instance, the sections do not matter to them and the foundations from here also do not matter, because they have their own.
These aren’t pleasant thoughts and I’m not saying it’s true, but you see stuff that make you think there’s more stuff behind all that”.

Cruijff could already tell Guardiola and Rosell weren’t gonna work together for long:
“It’s scary to think what’s gonna happen when Pep leaves, because Rosell has been against people like Pep and Rijkaard. His philosophy is the brazilian and Portuguese one. Everything started with Rijkaard, with his behavior. He was a gentleman. If it had been up to Rosell, he would have fired him after six months, and it’s very likely nothing we achieved since then would have happened”.

November 6th, 2011: 10mi euros for Neymar

neymar santos
On the 2012 Assembly, it was revealed the club had paid a mysterious 10mi euros to a “sportive intangible”. It was rumored that it was to bring Neymar.
Then, in 2014, when there was already a fiscal case regarding Neymar’s signing, his father revealed that the club had actually paid a 10mi advance for the player.
In 2011, literally 6 months after Messi had scored on Wembley to give us our 4th UCL title, Rosell paid to bring the player he saw as Messi’s substitute. He didn’t know it then, but this operation would be Rosell’s undoing.

March 1st, 2012: L’Espai Barça is now needed. And for the 150mi euros!
Jordi Moix presented some of the plans for Espai Barça, saying the club would spend around 100-150mi in renovating the Camp Nou and the areas around it.
Curious, considering they had shelved Laporta’s Forster Project, who would’ve costed 100mi euros less.
And even more curious, as were are gonna see later on. 150 became 600.

April 27th, 2012: Our best ever manager leaves the club
“I want the fans to know we offered Pep a blank check to renew, to remain at the club. We did all in our power to keep him”.
No, Sandro, you did not.
You started off by forcing Cruijff, Guardiola’s close friend and mentor out of the club. Then you lied to sell Txigrinski, a player Pep had given his word he would have another season to prove himself, after a bad first season in Spanish football. Then you went lied before the Assembly about Laporta’s books and decided to sue him and the whole of his board, even though Guardiola pleaded before you and in a press conference not do it. You left Pep all alone on his battle against Mourinho and Madrid’s press, when you could have helped him defend the club from all the lies they invented about our club, the club you were supposed to lead.
You never respected Guardiola’s choice on renewing year by year and tried to force a 6-year contract down his throat. You kept attacking Pep for Ibrahimovic’s signing before the socis, “the worst in the history of the club”, even though Pep wasn’t the only one responsible for it. You said we were gonna beat Real Madrid 5-0 on the 2011 Copa del Rey final one day before the match, which caused a commotion on the press (and we ended up losing our chance of a Triplete right there). You said we had beaten Madrid on the Spanish Supercup in 2011 “even though the players had just arrived from the beach”, which you knew would piss off Pep and the players.
So, no, Sandro. You didn’t do “everything in your power” to keep Guardiola happy, to keep him as our coach. Your were at fault for his departure.

May 22nd, 2012: Oscar Garcia also leaves the club
oscar garcia maccabi
People who had come to the club under Laporta, and especially those who were close to Cruijff were never seen with good eyes by Rosell and his board.
So they lied to Oscar Garcia about promoting him to the B team, renewed with Eusebio and he left club, as told here:
Our most promising coach was leaving us due to lies and lack of vision from the board.

December 20th, 2012: Abidal’s renewal was ready to be signed
abidal ucl
Bartomeu, then the Sporting Vice-President assured the fans: “Abidal’s contract is ready, and when he plays his first match, we’ll sign it”.
The most human example we had, the man who had beaten cancer to lift our 4th UCL title, was gonna stay with us.
Or so we thought…

March 1st, 2013: The Ultras were back
rosell ultras 2
Laporta was the first President on Spanish football’s history to fight the ultras. He was attacked, threatened, but managed to keep these animals away from the Camp Nou.
Rosell and his board, though, had other plans.
They started selling tickets to these people with very low prices, and even gave them plane tickets to attend our away UCL matches. They would sell them those cheap tickets by batch and not even know who were the people who were getting these tickets.
After some fights in the area of the Camp Nou where these individuals “support” the team, and especially after a flare was thrown on the pitch in a match against Real Madrid, the Police investigated and opened a disciplinary action against the club, who had put them there.
Some of the members of such groups are literally inmates, who leave their prison cells after spending the week there, and get to go to the Camp Nou for the price of 10 euros, courtesy of Sandro Rosell.
These people still go to our matches, and confronted Messi’s brother and father after we lost La Liga to Atleti, and a few weeks stabbed two PSG fans on the outskirts of the Camp Nou…

On March 7th, 2013, Catalunya Radio got hold of the following document:

documento boixos

Rosell had signed, on May 16th, 2010, when he wasn’t even campaigning for the Presidency, with several ultras groups, promising them a “Grada de Animacio” inside the Camp Nou. When asked about the existence of this document, Rosell denied it.
The document has the signature of Jose Lluis Suderas, leader of the Boixos Nois for years, alongside Rosell’s. Sureda was part of far-right groups like Estat Catalá and was connected to several nazi groups. In total, there were signatures from 10 groups: Tóxicos, ICS, Taliban Barça, Grup Fidel, Nostra ensenya, Unibarçataris, Almogavers and Supporters Puyol.
The document leaves the door opened to more groups such as these, as well as “other socis to cheer in a model manner”.
There were only 11 copies of said document: one for Rosell and for each group’s leader. It contains 6 pages with the logo of Rosell’s campaign and with the conditions to form the future “Granda d’Animacio”.  Most of the current board members were not aware of this document, which proves Rosell didn’t only lie to the socis, but also to his own board members. He knew he was doing something completely wrong.
But, he wanted all the votes he could get, so it didn’t matter if he got them from Nazis, or if he was allowing such people to return to our stadium, historically a place where families go together to attend the matches…

June 1st, 2013: Abidal, our soul, had being lied to and left the club

abidal leavesAs seen before, Bartomeu lied. Lied to the fans, and to Abidal.
On December 20th, we were all happy a player like Abidal, who was superb as a left back and a left center back, was gonna help us for one more season.
But Bartomeu had lied. Abidal did play his first match (on April 6th), but wasn’t renewed automatically. They never renewed him.
The excuses was “the medical department does not think he will be able to continue as player”. Another lie.
After leaving in tears, Abidal went to Monaco and played over 30 matches. Also went the French NT and had good performances.
They fired Abidal because of the one thing they care: money.
Having someone with Abidal’s spirit, someone who made a miraculous recovery to help us win our 4th UCL titles, mattered little.
Getting rid of his high wages, in the other hand, was important. After all, Neymar was landing soon…

June 3rd, 2013: Neymar (and friends) land in Barcelona
neymar rosell
Before I start: when people write against Neymar’s signing, it has nothing to do with Neymar himself. It’s about the lies and crimes Rosell and his board committed to bring the player.

So, after paying 10mi euros for Neymar in 2011, FC Barcelona finally had Neymar.
Rosell finally had Nike’s star on his team. But he did that with a very special “financial engineering”:
The pre-contract signed in 2011 (it’s forbidden to have actual, formal pre-contracts with players who still play for any other team in the world, according to FIFA’s regulation), made it clear that FC Barcelona was paying 10mi euros to N & N, Neymar’s company, who was run by his father.
And it was clear: FCB was paying these 10mi euros to have preference in signing Neymar after the 2014 World Cup. So far so good, right? We pay 10mi euros to get biggest young star in the world 3 years in advance. Sounds good!
Not so much.
The pre-contract also had a clause stating that, if FCB didn’t sign Neymar in 2014, of if Neymar went to another club, the offending part would have to pay the other 40mi euros.
But here’s the first catch: we ended up paying these 40mi euros to Neymar’s company.
It didn’t matter that we had indeed signed him. We were only gonna be free of this 40mi clause if he had come ONLY after the 2014 World Cup.
So we paid 17mi euros to Santos (a steal), and 40mi euros to Neymar’s company.
But that was only the beginning, as we’re gonna see ahead…

July 8th, 2013: We gifted Atleti Spain’s All Time Topscorer
villa atleti
Villa suffered a very serious injury during the Club World Cup in 2011, and lost most of the 11-12 season, and never really made a difference for us on 12-13, being far from the player he was in 10-11.
But the club did receive a 15mi euros offer from Arsenal for him, on January 2013. Which we declined.
Then ended up gifting him to Atleti for 2mi euros, and the club let us know via their usual media friends that, had Villa not left, we would have had to pay him 13mi euros for the 13-14 season, something we don’t know if it’s true or not.
So we were given the gift to have preference on the signing of Saul and Manquillo. Then never heard about them ever again.
And Villa ended up winning La Liga with Atleti, at the Camp Nou, while we counted the money we “saved”….

July 14th, 2013: We needed to pay for Neymar, so we sold Thiago Alcantara
thiago alcantara leaves
Yes. You read that right.
Thiago Alcantara was pushed out of the club for the lowest price we could contractually sell him, so the money would go towards Neymar’s signing.
To some, this has always been a theory, but I’ve been told that by a journalist I trust dearly. So, there you have it.
Thiago Alcantara was no traitor. It wasn’t a coincidence he didn’t play the minimum amount of matches that season, the amount that would keep his buyout clause at 90mi euros, and not 18mi.
And he wasn’t sold for 25mi euros, as FC Barcelona reported.
It was 20mi, plus 1mi due to that friendly we played to Bayern. The other 4mi were counted as the salary Thiago was waving to sign with Bayern.
So, our most promising midfielder from La Masia was sold so there was money to be used elsewhere.
Again, the priority was money.
Sporting planning, preparing to a future without Xavi/Iniesta and respecting La Masia players were never this board’s concern.

August 28th, 2013: Qatar Foundation becomes Qatar Airways
qatar airways
Remember December 2010, when Rosell signed with Qatar Foundation and told us that was out of necessity, and that they were a respectable philanthropy institution?
Well, we didn’t sign a contract with Qatar Foundation alone.
Rosell signed one with Qatar Sports Investment (QSI), where it was clear FC Barcelona was the one who would approve a possible change of sponsorship brand in case QSI asked for it. And, funny enough, they did.
And we accepted it.
From that moment on, the Camp Nou was full of Qatar Airways ads, even on the seats, and the players were even filming ads. But were we gonna get more money, now that they were using our historic stadium and our world class players to promote the brand?
Of course not.
The same 33mi euros/year were being paid. The fact of the matter is: we do not know how many more hidden clauses there are in FCB’s contract with QSI. And, if Cruijff’s suspicions in 2011 happen to be right…

October 2nd, 2013: MCM sues FC Barcelona for 100mi euros
MCM leds
The company MCM was hired to place a second skin with LEDs around the new La Masia, and they could use such LEDs to exploit the building commercially, placing ads there.
It was originally signed by Laporta, but Rosell and his board made a new one, signed it, but never complied with it.
On MCM’s lawsuit for the breach of contract, it’s clear the contract was drawn up and signed by Sandro Rosell himself, a new contract, with new clauses that substitute and cancel the previous one signed by Laporta.
Rosell also allowed that the control over the management of the promising business of exploring La Masia’s walls goes to MCM, as long as the profits be split 50-50.
It’s also interesting to notice that MCM is a small company that is willing to put millions of euros to go forth with this lawsuit, when they know the size FCB and how much money the club can spend with lawyers. They are confident they will, in the worst of cases, reach an agreement. But they ask for 100mi euros in reparations for what they have lost for the breach of contract.
It’s baffling to know that the club denies to allow MCM to start exploring the La Masia building, when they know they are entitled to 50% of a business that is gonna generate millions of euros to the club.
It gets even worse when there’s little to no press coverage regarding this matter. Only Mundo Deportivo, who came out with more lies, saying the contract was signed by Laporta, when it was redrawn and signed by Rosell himself. Meanwhile, no big law firms in Barcelona are defending the club in such perilous law suit.
The board has so far only set apart 1mi euros to deal with this lawsuit, which is something odd when MCM is asking for 100mi. The club, given the seriousness of the case, where either an agreement is reached (which would cost a lot), or we lose the case (which would cost us a huge amount of money).

On April 9th, 2015, the Judge will decide. We’ll be watching.

October 15th, 2013: A generation of culers who won’t go to the Camp Nou
kids camp nou
Since 1957, when the Camp Nou was built, socis could attend matches with their children. Back then, it was a long wooden bench, painted in green, so logically there weren’t seats, just numbers painted on the wood. So, the socis would only get a little closer to each other so they could enjoy their teams with their families. Later on, when the seats were put in place and the wooden benches were long gone, it still worked. If no other socis were near you, you could place your kid next to you, and watch the match. And if there weren’t any free seats, you could put your kid on your lap and enjoy the match. That has never been a problem.
And that worked, without incidents, for decades.
When Rosell took power in 2010, one of his campaigning promises was to fight for earlier matches, so more kids could attend, since Rosell himself used to go to the Camp Nou with his father, and sit on his lap. But he never did that. In fact, he was gonna add insult to injury:
One week before a Clasico, and with no previous warning whatsoever, FC Barcelona was now barring soci kids under 8 years old to enter the Camp Nou without tickets, something that has been always been the case. Once again, Rosell and his board were thinking about money, instead of our club’s values and history. Sandro would go on to say: “I don’t want ever hear that Sandro Rosell was responsible for the death of a child”. Something that never happened before at the Camp Nou, but, hey: one week before El Clasico, it’s better to remove those pesky 10.000 kids that would attend, and make sure we sell every single ticket we can!
And about money: the kids that were attending the matches were all socis. Each of them had their own soci ID, and their parents paid for it. Why didn’t the board let the socis know this change was gonna be implemented beforehand, so the parents could decide if it was still worth it to keep paying for their children’s membership? Zero concern about the socis and their money, yet again.
A few days ago, now as a candidate, Bartomeu not only brought the kids back to the Camp Nou, but now every U-14 soci won’t need tickets to attend matches.
What about the security concerns?!

December 9th, 2013: The Neymar Case begins and Rosell flees
rosell the end
Remember the story I told about those 40mi euros we paid to Neymar’s company when we signed him? Well, other socis didn’t forget. So, after trying to have that information sent to him so he could see what the club had done when they signed Neymar and never getting it, Jordi Cases decided to sue the club for embezzlement and named Sandro Rosell as responsible. It was the beginning of the end.

On December 16th, the Judged forced the club to send over all contracts from the Neymar deal so they would decide to accept Cases’ lawsuit or not. The Spanish Fiscal Authorities were now all over this, and also asked for our financial statements from 2012 (the one with the 10mi to Neymar) and also 2013.

This is my favorite part: Rosell held a presser to on January 20th, 2014 and decided to “ask the Judge to summon him, so he could show how transparent he is, and that he accepts Case’s lawsuit, so he could explain everything without breaching the confidentiality clause on Neymar’s contracts”.
2 days later, he got his wishes. Audiencia Nacional accepted the lawsuit, with would mean also the fiscal authorities were gonna pursue this. And guess what happened?
One day later, on January 23rd, 2014, Sandro Rosell became the first runaway President in the history of FC Barcelona. ONE DAY after the lawsuit was gonna be pursued, Rosell was leaving the Presidency “due to attack made against me and my family”.
Apparently, someone fired a BB gun towards Rosell’s home. What a coincidence this attack happened during the 3 days between Rosell asking for the Judge to move forward with the lawsuit and the Judge actually doing it!
The man responsible for all we’ve read so far, was gone. Our next President was now Bartomeu, Sandro’s best friend, and the first President in FC Barcelona’s history that no one had voted for.

January 24th, 2014: Bartomeu confesses Neymar’s cost was 86,2mi euros
bartomey neymar 86mi
When Sandro Rosell was questioned about Neymar’s cost, he said, emphatically, it had been “57mi euros, period”. And when the socis, lead by Jordi Cases, asked to see the contracts, he said “there were confidentiality clauses that can’t be breached”.
Funny enough, one day after Rosell left, the new President had been given permission by Neymar’s father to breach said confidentiality clauses, and guess what? It wasn’t 57mi euros, period.
We had spent 86,2mi euros on Neymar, and that is not counting his wages for the next 5 years. Only the actual amount of money we spent to sign him.
And, as we are gonna see in the future, 86mi euros is not all we are gonna spend for Neymar.

February 20th, 2014: 115 years of History tarnished before the courts
For the first time in its 115 years of glorious history, FC Barcelona had been named as a suspect in a tax fraud case.
The Spanish fiscal authorities were looking into alleged financial crimes committed in 2011 (10mi euros) and 2013 (actual contract) arising from the contracts related to Neymar’s signing, the signing Rosell made by himself and had assured it had only cost 57mi euros and was so perfectly legal he asked the Judge to move forward with the lawsuit. And there we were.
The Prosecutor considered that our club had failed to pay over 9mi euros in tax by not declaring all the contracts involved in the transfer. “There is a whole series of contracts that show signs of simulation, as well as financial engineering operations”. It was reported that these contracts may involve an alleged fraud of a quantity “that far exceeds the 120.000-euro limit for tax evasion set in the penal code”. A quantity of unpaid tax in a year over that limit gives rise to CRIMINAL responsibilities. And that were Sandro Rosell’s signatures all over these contracts. But not only him.
7 out of the 10 contracts the prosecutor referred to were signed by the current President, Josep Maria Bartomeu.
The prosecution believed that the part of the transfer fee not included in the tax settlement was 37.9mi euros (pretty close to those 40mi the 2011 contract had set as penalty, huh?), which suggested evasion of 9.1mi euros on the part of the club.

So, exactly 4 days later, on February 24th, 2014, our club paid the fiscal authorities 13,5 million euros for possible “interpretative divergences” about the fiscal law applicable. And Bartomeu made sure to state “the club acted with absolute correctness”, and that they “WOULD DO EVERYTHING THE EXACT SAME WAY AGAIN”.
Rosell was arrogant enough to dare the Judge to pursue the case against us. Then the judge complied, he resigned as President. Now his successor, after paying 13,5mi euros in taxes, was saying he would do it all again. The nerve on these people…
By February 2014, Neymar had cost the club 109mi euros. And there is more to come.

March 20th, 2014: They fire Daniel Canas for being against them on Twitter. No, really.
daniel cana fired twitter
Let me tell you a story about how this board treats the FC Barcelona fans and socis who talk against them on twitter. Read carefully:

“March 20th was my first day as a FC Barcelona employee, as an Online Project Manager, in the Ticketing area. First day: I sign my contract, introductions, full of meetings and getting to know people and projects. Excited. Happy.
Second day: after a meeting and being asked to attend another one the next week and to have my medical exams, I receive a call from Human Resources. They have several pages printed with tweets from me being critical towards Rosell and the current board. Tweets from January and previous months.
Human Resources had sent an email introducing me to the whole club, but the company CM, hired to track social networks associated my named and started to search. This company sends the report to the club’s General Director and they decide to fire me for “not being approved on the trial period”. But that wasn’t all:
The letter was already typed. I was fired on my second day AFTER LEAVING A HOME AND A JOB IN MADRID.
The tweets had no social, economic, sporting or commercial objective. I’m not a threat, nor a spy or a “black hand”. I was only disagreeing and being in pain for a club that is a huge part in my life, including this experience that had been my biggest professional goal.
They fire a Computer Scientist with 15 years of experience in E-Commerce, which I suppose was why they hired me, and not for “communication” matters.
But I’m also a soci with a much lower number than many board members, years performing barcelonism in Madrid, years waiting to be a season ticket holder.
I have never been fired from any company, it had to be FCB the first one. Very painful. And expensive”.

Daniel is a great person and writer. You should follow him on twitter: @dcana.
I mean, if you aren’t afraid of becoming the subject of a report by the company the board hired to check on the people who are against them on social networks, of course…

April 3rd, 2014: After waiting for 13 months, FIFA decided to punish us
la masia no es toca fifa ban
Another warning: The way I approach the FIFA case has nothing to do with my views on the laws regarding the signing of U-18 foreign players. Of course La Masia is the best youth academy on Earth and we don’t “traffic” kids, as some enlightened british twitter users like to remind me weekly. The law needs to be changed.
But the fact of the matter is: it remains the same, and we had 13 months to act after FIFA first warned us of the breach. And we did absolutely nothing.
We could have started fighting them, contested the law, formed a group with other European clubs to fight yet. But did nothing. This isn’t FIFA being authoritarian or “doing Florentino’s wishes”: it was our club and the people that run it being reckless and irresponsible. Yet again.

Sandro Rosell, then President, and Josep Maria Bartomeu, then Sporting Vice-President, were warned by FIFA that FC Barcelona were breaching laws regarding the signing of foreign U-18 players in January 2013. Rosell’s response was, and I quote: “Don’t worry about it, I’ll settle that by myself”.
So I guess he got over excited with the Neymar signing and all the “financial engineering” going on during 2013, and also sending Abidal away, selling Thiago for the money, putting Qatar Airways in our shirt, etc…. and forgot completely about FIFA and their warning.
No documents were sent, no contacts were made. Nothing. Absolutely nothing.
So, in April 3rd, 2014, FIFA punished us. We were forbidden from signing any players on both the next summer and winter transfer windows. And he is what Bartomeu had to say about that: “There’s a Black Hand behind our current legal issues (Neymar and now FIFA, cause he surely didn’t even remember the MCM case). The club will act with all its strength to find and make public if there’s a person or people that want to damage the club”.
Well, lemme help you with that, Bartomeu: yourself and your runaway pal, Sandrito.
Not only did Bartomeu decide to use the “black hand/Madrid” excuse. He also tried to put the blame on FIFA and, on our next match, that happened on April 5th, there was a huge “La Masia is Untouchable” banner on the Camp Nou. A cheap propaganda from one of the culprits.

On April 23rd, FIFA suspended the transfer ban while it would consider the club’s appeal. We were then allowed to sign players on the summer window. And we, just in case, spent over 170mi euros. After all, the ban had only been suspended, not lifted.

And on August 20th, FIFA had decided on the appeal: it was upheld. From September 1st, 2014 until January 1st, 2016, we were forbidden from signing any players.
The club would then appeal towards the CAS, but nothing would change. No signings allowed throughout 2015.

April 5th, 2014: Espai Barça is approved
espai barça

After years of expectation and backdealings, the board got their golden prize: the socis approved the plan to renew the Camp Nou. This was Rosell’s & Co second big victory after the 12-13 La Liga title.
Jordi Moix led the campaign the club held throughout Catalunya, where the showed all the benefits of the new stadium, while travelling around and spending 3 million euros while doing it. Money from the club that the socis never authorized the board to use in such manner. And, curiously, the board only cared about travelling and making it easy so THEIR point of view would be noticed.
Manifest Blaugrana tried to hold a meeting at the Camp Nou so they could show the socis why they shouldn’t approve the new stadium, but the club forbade them for letting socis know about it as they were entering. Curious, huh?
“What the socis are worried about is how we are gonna pay for it”. Obviously, Bartomeu. Most of us are well aware how much the Camp Nou was originally gonna cost in 1957, and how much it ended up costing (basically the double). And we had to sell the best player on the world back then, Luis Suarez, to help the debt. Which didn’t really help, and we were in such a dire financial situation, we didn’t win a League title for 14 years.
600 million euros is gonna be the cost, according to Bartomeu.
420mi for the stadium itself, 30mi for Espai Barça, 90mi for the new Palau Blaugrana, 40mi for the new parking and 20mi for the urbanistic part. The way were are gonna pay, all according to the board who said Neymar’s price was 57mi (period), is: 200mi from the club’s own funds (which us hilarious, considering we are still paying our debt, the debt this board promised to clear before we reformed the Camp Nou); 200mi from selling the naming rights (which is obscene, considering the only reason our stadium is named after Joan Gamper is because the Franco Dictatorship wouldn’t allow it. Apart from being a historical error, the biggest stadium in Europe and one of the oldest ones will never actually be called by whatever Qatar brand this board wants to place there); and the last 200mi from a new loan with the banks (another joke. The board who arrived saying we didn’t even have money to pay for color copies and players’ wages will now take up multi-million euros loans to build a stadium we don’t actually need right now?).
Now, to the good part: their lies.
It rains very rarely in Barcelona. As in very, very rarely. Yet, the board is adamant we need a covered stadium, so we are as modern as other European ones. Which would be great, if it wasn’t so expensive. And useless.
“The new stadium will generate 30mi euros/year to the club!”, he promised. Didn’t explain how they came up with the exact number, and couldn’t guarantee to socis there isn’t going to be an increase on the yearly fees so we can actually pay for it all!
Oh, and 10.000 socis from the first tier will be moved to someplace else, because all the new VIP boxes and shops need space to make us money!
Companies like ISG, AEG, Icon Venue Group and Ryder Levett Bucknall are responsible for the project, and were all hired by Rosell.
The thing is: the board never explained to socis why these companies have earned the right to get this monumental construction work. The socis simply do not know enough about this project.
But, out of the 108.858 socis that could have voted, only 37.535 showed up (which is abysmal, considering over 81.000 people attended the Betis match on the Camp Nou on the same day).
The project was approved by 72,36% of those who voted. 27.161 socis chose to give the people who were slowly eating away at our best ever team a check to spend 600mi euros in a project they didn’t really explain. 9.589 socis, most of those informed by the efforts made in social media to enlighten the situation, voted No.
A few weeks after the club was being investigated for fiscal fraud on the Neymar signing, and a few days after FIFA had banned us from signing players for a whole year, this board was getting exactly what they wanted the most.

So let make it clear what happened on that date: over 27.000 socis gave  the go ahead to a project that wasn’t really a project of the reformed stadium just “mock ups”, which will cost 600mi euros, but they didn’t tell us exactly why they chose the companies that are charging this exact price. And we don’t know who they want as the naming rights owner, too. It’s simply too little info given about something so important, something that could make or break our club in a way we would need decades to recover from.

Jordi Moix cried of happiness that day. I hope none of us cry when it’s revealed who is behind  the naming rights and sweet construction contracts who will be signed.
This time, I want Johan Cruijff to be wrong…


June 3rd, 2014: Sandro Rosell was (finally) indicted for the Neymar Case

rosell prisonRemember that story of the BB gun? Well, they finally got Rosell.
The Judge decided to indict Rosell for fiscal fraud in the Neymar deal. That way, Sandro would have the honor of going with FC Barcelona, as both were being indicted, and explain himself before the judge, as he has been asking since January…


July 7th, 2014: Another part of our soul is sent away. This time, Txema Corbella

txema corbellaLuis Enrique was named the new coach after Tata Martino managed to win no titles or ever convince the fans. He was promised to bring hard work and meritocracy back to the team.
But also brought his own staff, and didn’t want old members of the dressing room to mess with work and possibly leak info to the press, something which Lucho abhors.
So he asked for the head of Txmela Corbella, a beloved kitsman who has been at this club for over 30 years. And was fired after being called to Zubi’s office and being told his time was up.
I’m aware that neither Bartomeu or Zubizarreta wanted to fire Txema, and only did what the new coach asked.
But it does not work like that.
A club does not fire someone who has spent literally DECADES being loved by the dressing room and fans because the new guy in town sees fits to not have him around.
Luis Enrique also tried to do the same with Pepe Costa, who is one of Messi’s best friends, so much, in fact, Pepe was allowed to stay with the Argentina NT during the World Cup.
But Bartomeu saw the reaction from the players and fans after Txema dismissal and kept Pepe Costa.
You do not fire people who have decades of services in this club because of a request. Never.

July 22nd, 2014: Rosell finally gets his wish

rosell fugadoSandro Rosell had asked to Judge to accept the lawsuit regarding the Neymar case and to summon him, so he could explain everything. But since he stepped down as President, that would only be possible if he was named, as an individual, on the matter. Which he was.
So, 6 months after taunting the Judge, he got his wish.
For 3 hours they talked. Rosell said the 40mi euros were paid as an compensation to Neymar’s company, and the other 17,1mi for his federative rights. Yes, Rosell was still saying we had spent 57,1mi euros on Neymar, months after the club had revealed it had been 86mi!
Here’s my favorite part: Rosell said that after being indicted, he read each clause of the contract and could only praise the club’s lawyers for their job.
Then he got on a taxi, wave to the press without uttering a word, and left. The case still goes on…


August 27th, 2014: Douglas aka Traffic strikes again

douglas pqpI have already talked about Douglas’ “abilities” here:

Only mentioning his signing because it is offensive. Not only did this board sign a player who wasn’t even good enough for the Brazilian League and it’s kick-and-rush football, but he “happened” to have come to the club with the help from the same people who brought us Henrique and Keirrison, players we spent a lot of money on and didn’t play a single second for us.
Third time is the charm, right? 5,5mi euros for a player who won’t even play 7 matches this season, and while Luis Enrique does defend him from time to time, it’s clear he’s just taking one for the team. No team in Europe chased Douglas. Hell, no other big team in Brazil was even tempted to approach him.
But we, with Traffic and the people they have close to our club, managed to steal from us again, only this time, they decided to let the player in the squad to remind us of their audacity.
May our next board never repeat this shameful link between Traffic and FC Barcelona.
Albert Valentin is no longer an employee of the club. May Juan Figer be banned as well.


September 15th, 2014: Their revenge had failed

laporta3 years and 11 months after lying and deciding to sue the previous board for financial losses that only existed because Rosell had the books cooked, the Judge reached a decision: there weren’t any losses.
In fact, Laporta had left the club in a surplus. I’ve written about it here:


October 1st, 2014: Neymar Sr. talks before the judge

neymar sr.Neymar Sr. wasn’t indicted on the case, so he appeared before the judge as a witness. He also spent 3 hours talking, and these were the main points:
Real Madrid really did offer 150mi euros for Neymar, but the player preferred FCB due to its “power of seduction”. Regarding the several contracts Sandro Rosell signed, Neymar Sr. was featured in one, and he was supposed to receive a salary for scouting youth players, work that he said to still be doing for the club. He said the same about another contract, where he received money as Neymar’s agent, which he also confirmed to still be.
Then came the interesting part: Nestor Amela, FCB’s FCO, informed that the club had set apart another 8,8mi euros, for “possible spenditures during the lawsuit”. He wasn’t including on the 13,5mi euros the club had already paid.

So, right now, Neymar transfer’s cost is: 10mi (2011), 86,2mi (2013), 13,5mi (2014) and, possibly another 8,8mi which adds to 118,5mi euros.

Talk about financial engineering!


October 31st, 2014: The CAS Appeal

bartomeu fiscal fraud case neymarKnowing very well what spending the whole of 2015 without signing players would bring on his head, Bartomeu appealed to the CAS against the FIFA Transfers Ban.
It was only a maneuver so he could keep complaining about how unfair FIFA had been, how Masia is so perfect and doesn’t deserve such punishment.
But, finally, he stopped talking about “black hands”. Now, it happened due to “administrative errors”.
Yes, Bartu. From you and Rosell who sit on this problem for 14 months and did nothing to fix it.

November 26th, 2014: Not about revenge now, but self-preservation

The judge had ruled that Laporta’s board committed no crimes during their tenure. No financial losses, but a surplus.
And as most as any reasonable person would expect the current board to drop it and finally move on from their lies, from the crime they committed in cooking the books to hang Laporta and their people out to dry.
But here’s the catch: if they didn’t appeal, Laporta and 17 other ex-board members could now sue Rosell’s board for the 4 years they had to go through as criminals.
So they did appeal.
And it may take years until a new verdict is reached.
At least they had the decency to call off the second lawsuit that would force Laporta and 7 board members to each pay 3mi euros from their pockets.

December 30th, 2014: CAS, predictably, denied the appeal

It was clear Bartomeu was only going as far as he could in appealing against FIFA’s Transfer Ban so the press (and the socis who believe in it) would believe he battle such “injustice” until the end.
And the appeal was denied.
Bartomeu, being the leader and brave figure he is, only released a short video on the club’s website condemning the decision and saying, as always, that La Masia is too good for rules.
This was the last big blow this board has received, such a blow that could cause the most chaotic week in the club and fans have witnessed in a long, long time.


January 4th, 2015: Happy New Year, Happy New Board

messi anoeta7 days.
All we needed to see this board shaken in such a manner, fans are now excited for change, after years under the rule of this rancorous, petty board.
After losing to La Real at Anoeta (as always), Zubizarreta made his last ever statement as our Sporting Director.
Signing Song, taking 3 years to bring a CB and when he did finally did, paid 20mi euros for Mathieu (when he could have bought him the previous year for 5-8mi euros), and 10mi euros for Vermaelen (when he had been told by the medical department the player needed injury and shouldn’t be signed) and helping out Traffic and signing Douglas. All of that didn’t get Zubi  fired.
Remind everyone that Bartomeu was the Sporting Vice-President when FIFA first warned us of the rules we had been breaking regarding the youth players, however, hit home.
Zubi spent years accepting criticism for several decisions he did not make. Rosell forced Tata Martino on him; he had absolutely nothing to do with Neymar’s signing, it was Rosell by himself; Suarez’s was a request from Luis Enrique, who also forced Zubi to sign Bravo, since Lucho did not trust one of the best signings Zubi made, Ter Stegen. He took the hits and remained quiet.
But since he knew his time as Bartomeu’s shield was running out, he went out with dignity by point the finger at the culprit.
14 hours later, he was fired.  Bartomeu thought that by firing Zubi, he would manage to calm things down after the CAS Appeal debacle.
But Messi had other plans:
After Messi’s actions on January 5th (now showing up at training, following Chelsea on Instagram), the fire had risen. And it wasn’t gonna stop burning.
The pressure from all sides (press, his vice-presidents, the opposition) made him do what he should have done the second Rosell stepped down: call for elections.
And, on January 7th, 2014, Bartomeu, the President no one has ever voted for, let us know he is only gonna remain in power for 6 more months. Elections will finally take place.
Almost 1 year after the most voted President ever had fled, we were told we will now choose our next board.

And our work does not end here. We must watch what Bartomeu will do closely, especially what contracts he signs on the months he has left.

And when he does call for elections and sets a date, we begin watching the candidates, and making sure they have clear ideas of what this club needs, and that nothing that happened on the last 5 years can be repeated.
It’s time we start rebuilding from the rubble of Rosell’s reign.

January 15th, 2015: FC Barcelona is slipping out of the economic elite
The one thing this board has always being proud about, is how they saved us from bankruptcy (a lie they fabricated), and managed the club so superbly well we were making money each year, wich huge gains (technically true, but also hides the fact that if it wasn’t for they Qatar deal, the club actually has been stagnated since 2010. The only thing they’ve added to our revenues was Qatar and nothing else).
So, imagine this board’s surprise, a few days after calling for elections, that the new Deloitte report showed the club has been stagnated at 485mi euros for 3 years, and returned to the position we were on 2007/08. Our distance to the richest clubs in Europe is growing, while PS/City/Chelsea are getting closer and closer to us.
When Laporta took over in 2003, we were 13th on the same ranking, with a revenue similer to Newcastle’s. In 6 years under Laporta’s rule, we overcame Manchester United and became the 2nd richest club on Earth and earned about the same Real Madrid did.
In global terms, the growth seen on the 20 clubs the form the economic elite has been of 14%, while FCB’s revenues have actually DECREASED 1% since 2011/12, a period in each the other 4 richest clubs have seen a growth of 40%!

The board’s excuse (they always have one), is that this has been happening due to our recent poor performances on the pitch. Which is utter nonsense.
We reached the second position in 2007/08 after winning no titles whatsoever, which shows that it doesn’t matter how we are doing on the pitch if there is an actual enomic plan in place, as Manchester United has showed. Even though they finished their last season in 7th and didn’t qualify for any European competition, they have kept growing.
They excuse was not good enough. We keep failing on all areas.

February 3rd, 2015: Bartomeu is charged with tax fraud

On February 2015, for the first time in its History, FC Barcelona was charged with tax fraud over the Neymar signing. One year later, also for the first time in it’s History, we now have a President being charge with the exact same crime, for the exact same transfer.
The Judge decided to charged Rosell with 2 tax frauds and 1 partnership one, to keep charging FC Barcelona for the fraud they identified last year and added a fresh new charge: the President no one voted for did not pay over 2,8mi euros in taxes owed in 2014 regarding those famous 40mi euros we owed Neymar’s company.
In fact, the club hasn’t paid any taxes regarding Neymar’s deal since 2011, which comes to a total of 12mi euros.
Right now, the Spanish fiscal authorities say we have spent 82mi signing Neymar, and another 12mi in owed taxes. And remember: there are going to be PENALTY TAXES, so Neymar’s price will keep rising…
And how did Bartomeu respond? With the usual “there’s a black hand” excuse, naturally! The one he used against FIFA, only to later confess there wasn’t any black hand, and the club had actually committed “administrative errors”. But now, Bartomeu went overboard!
He actually had the balls to say we are being attacked to the club’s support towards the Catalan Independence! Which is BULLSHIT!
FC Barcelona signed the Independence Pact after being pressured by several socis groups, and the board, who had promised to keep the senyera as the third kit “forever”, stopped using it all together after September. So, no Bartomeu, we are not being punished for something we don’t even do!
Oh, and Real Madrid was again the culprit in Bartomeu’s eyes. If you have read until here, you know very well this board IS the black hands that have been killing our club month after month since 2010. They don’t need help in sinking us…





“I don’t allow anyone to have a go at me. In Madrid, I did break a camera. I don’t have reasons to hide it. And I have already paid for it, didn’t need to go to the courts, after the journalist conceded and said he wanted to step on me, diminish me. To go over me, you need to do it by force. I impose myself. You can be taller, stronger, more handsome or richer, but you can’t step on me”.

Luis Enrique said that in 1997. That sums up his character, his macho attitude, his constant need to go against the press (even if breaking cameras is needed to do that), and to be seen as the alpha male, the type of people who see fit to impose themselves at all times, to show they are in control. He didn’t compromise an inch of his beliefs, be it as player, be it in his handling of the press, and, eventually, on how he treats his players as a coach.

A leader does not impose himself. He earns the players’ trust due to his actions, the way he talks to them, the way he makes them see all he’s doing is with one goal: to build a group of players that believe in his ideas, so they can play together, improve together and win together. Imposing yourself and not making compromises is not the way to achieve any of that, not only in football, but in any other field.

It’s easy to mention the following name, but since he was the last leader this group of players had, I have no choice: Pep Guardiola is a leader. All his players died for him on the pitch, and they did that after he had earned their trust. The very first thing Pep did as FC Barcelona’s coach was calling Messi. The 21 year old was angry at the club for not wanting to let him play in the Olympics for Argentina. Pep called Messi, said he would settle it for him. And Messi won the Olympic Gold. Guardiola, before even having a single training session with Messi as his player, had already earned his trust. A leader that got his star player to follow him through a phone call, and by seeing he needed to give Messi what he wanted, so Messi would give him everything on the pitch. 6 titles on the next 18 months was the result of that.

And that did not end there. Pep would arrive each single day at Ciutat Deportiva and ask around, to the employees and his staff members how happy Messi was, if they thought he woke up pissed off at something. Guardiola managed to make Messi happy, to keep him fit and interested for 4 years. 14 titles out of 19. And, after that magical night on Wembley, he warned us all that, as long as the club cared about giving Messi everything he needed to be happy on and off the pitch, the results would arrive. The leader who had made compromises to keep his star happy, had the playing style and the results to back all of that up, was making it clear none of that would have been possible if he didn’t have the full support of Messi and all the other players.


Luis Enrique’s first experience after leaving Barça B (where did a great job, but also didn’t have to deal with getting results and leading players who were already big names in professional football) was at the Italian capital. And on his first few weeks, he already was at loggerheads with the one player the fans treat as deity: Totti. On the Europa League qualifier round, he didn’t use Totti on the first leg. And lost 1-0. Then, on the second leg, when Roma was winning 1-0, he subbed Totti out with 15 minutes remaining. The team stopped creating chances, and conceded the draw. 1-1. Roma was out of the European competition.

All hell broke loose. Luis Enrique, who has just bought a house in the Formello neighborhood, famous for its huge numbers of Lazio supporters, after being advised not to, had now created troubles with Totti, the fans and the press in a single stroke. Gazzetta dello Sport called his decisions “senseless” and that his issues with Totti were due to “an attack of male ego”. The fans booed him heavily from the second he took their idol out, until the end of the match at the Olimpico. Then, Francesco Totti arrived on the next training session with a shirt that read “BASTA!” (Enough!).

Luis Enrique had arrived in a club with a great history, with one of the most passionate fans in the world, and was already trying to impose himself on the biggest player in Roma´s history, the man who has been at the club since 1993. And kept Francesco on the bench for the next 8 matches. Since the results weren’t coming, he conceded, Totti returned, and things started to work again. In the end, he managed to mend things with Totti, who always wanted to be respected and to see the best for the team.

But Enrique’s need to be the boss, created a very toxic environment on the dressing room. So much so, Roma even finished one match with 8 players, that showed that balance wasn’t there. The “boss” was not leading the players towards the same goal, and had lost control over several players, especially Osvaldo, the constantly ticking time bomb.

All of that happened while his team was not playing well. Sterile ball possession, slow defensive and offensive transitions, relying too much on stars like Totti, Pjanic and Lamela (sounds familiar?), and the press questioned him constantly. That’s how the press is supposed to work. Coaches need to talk to the press in a polite manner and answer them, because the journalists aren’t asking for themselves. The press is the way coaches tell the fans what is going on, and coaches owe fans that.

Luis Enrique has never grasped that notion. From his days as a player, even before he had worked under his idol Van Gaal (who always has had troubles with the press. “Siempre Positifo!”), he saw them as enemies, as we could see with the quote that opened this article. People who want to “impose themselves” on him. But it’s their job. To question, to point the finger on what’s wrong, to ask what the plan is. The fans want to know that, and every single coach who has a plan, who knows the way, should easily explain all that. But he didn’t. Before he left, he even told the Italian press: “You can rest easy now. Each day that goes by, is one less day you have to deal with me”.

Celta de Vigo

After leaving Roma and spending a year away from football, Luis Enrique took the reins at Celta de Vigo, who had escaped from relegation on the their last La Liga match on the previous season.

Just like it happened with Totti, he had a fall out with Orellana, who had scored 13 goals on the previous season and helped Celta on the relegation battle. “I don’t see him at the team, or the bench. Told him to look for another club”. But the Chilean stayed.

“He didn’t count on me. He didn’t like the way I worked, but I decided to stay. I kept training the same way, or even better, and ended up convincing him. He saw I improved and started to trust me. Then he started using me on the team”. The player made the effort to change his mind, and ended up being important for Celta’s season.

But Orellana, or any other Celta player, weren’t stars. Far from it. So the way Lucho imposed himself worked. The way he constantly used youth players also pleased the fans, and the club. His work at Celta was good. Playing 433, only one pivote, wingers up front, CMs that moved up and down the pitch. All of that while trying to play attractive football, using youth players and having a system that, even though it often suffered in the defensive and offensive transitions, were certainly good enough to beat Real Madrid and perform well against Barcelona.

But the fact is: coaching Celta is not like coaching a big club. The level of man management you need to coach at a big club is completely different. Dealing with players that have won every single title there is to win on European football requires actual leadership qualities. And that, as we’ll see on the following paragraphs, is his biggest flaw.

FC Barcelona

After being coached for a season by Tata Martino, the man whose training session were so soft even the grass rested (literally), and who once said he tried to win a match by “Making sure Messi touched the ball the least possible”, and, to top everything, lost La Liga on the last match of the season, at the Camp Nou, and couldn’t even take shots on target on the last 30 minutes, culers were dying to see hard work, meritocracy and energy back into our team.

So Luis Enrique was signed. There were fans (like me) who didn’t like it from the beginning, due to some of the reasons listed above, and because there were better options, like Valverde, who had had a superb season at Bilbao, but had given his word he was stay there for another year.

And Luis Enrique started with a wrong foot.

On his very first press conference, where he already showed the press his claws, the new coach kept at his need to impose himself. So he saw fit to say that he was “the leader of the team, the dressing room”. Leader of players you are yet to meet? Leader of a dressing room with players who have been at the club for 18, 15, 10 years? Most big name players, from Messi to the other captains, found that odd. How do you call yourself the leader of players who are yet to know you, to talk to you, to work under you?

Leadership is earned, it’s not something you force into people. But the players decided to wait and see how the actual work with the new coach was gonna be like. But, as I mentioned on the beginning of this article, while Pep had called Messi before he even started to make sure he would start working under him having already earned the star’s trust, Lucho’s first step was imposing himself over a group of players who won’t follow a coach just because he said he is the leader. Does not work like that.

Then, a few days later, Txema Corbella, a beloved kitsman who has been at the club for over 30 years, was sent away. Out of the blue. Just got called by Zubizarreta and was fired. What interest could Zubi, or any member of the board have in firing someone who was been important to hundreds of FCB players throughout the decades? Someone all players, especially Messi, adored? It was a request from Luis Enrique.

He thought Corbella was leaking info to the press, and he didn’t want the previous staff member to interfere with the work him and his new staff wanted to start. And it wasn’t gonna end there. Pepe Costa, who is very close to Messi, was also to be fires. But Bartomeu saw how Corbella’s exit had affect the team and kept Costa on the squad, something that meant a lot to Messi.

So the work began. Lots of physical activities that weren’t there the last season, and a “system” that never really impressed, and depended too much on Messi and Neymar. But since the beginning, Luis Enrique wouldn’t talk directly to the players. On his first season on a club like FCB, dealing with players such as these, he saw fit to have members of his staff dealing and talking with the players, giving them orders. How could you possibly earn the players trust if you don’t even talk to them? And to expect such players to respond to mere assistants on the same way they would the coach, well…

Luis Enrique started something, from the beginning, that had all players unhappy. He would not tell the squad of each match days in advance. He would only do it on the morning of each match, be it at home or away, and all the players would have to be ready (luggage, etc.) as if they were gonna make the cut. So imagine how happy they were after waking up early, packing their things, going to Ciutat Deportiva, only to be told they didn’t make the squad and could stay in Barcelona while the team traveled. Again imposing himself. Again acting more like a drill sergeant than a leader.

But that wasn’t the worst part, what pissed the players off the most. It was his choice of giving the starting XI 90 minutes before each match, and most times, telling how they were gonna play exactly at the same time. His constant fear of the press leaking his plans. Mathieu as LB at the Bernabeu was something the team did not train during the week. As we all know, that did not go well:

The players weren’t happy. Not playing like we used to, a system that was completely different from ours, and a coach who was making things way harder than they should be. But no one confronted Luis Enrique, as much as some big name players were already calling him “the worst coach I have had in my career”.
Then, ironically, Celta came to the Camp Nou. And won.

While the team did create chances, hit the post on 3 occasions and their GK had a great match, it was evident FCB had not played well enough. The midfield did not dominate, and the chances did not come from there. It came from the players upfront, as has been the case since the beginning. Real Madrid now was even further away from us. And Messi reacted.

He confronted Luis Enrique after the end of the match. Complained he hadn’t used the players that could implement our style, that he couldn’t perform his best if there weren’t players to help him, to make it easier for him. Leo wanted our usual playing system, something that has given us so much on the last few years. Lucho, obviously, did not like to have his decisions questioned. A leader would have listened, talked to his best player, and accepted that work needed to be done. But that didn’t happen. The relationship between them was never the same after that. They stopped talking since that day, on November 1st.

The team continued to play the same way, especially badly on away matches. Messi was still being used far from his best position, starting matches as RW and having to drop as deep as Busquets’ position to start plays, since the midfield could never produce anything. Messi was running the team, and providing goals and assist the masked how poor the team was.

Then PSG came to the Camp Nou. And finally, a 343 was used. Messi behind Suarez, a midfield playing closer together, and actual wingers in Neymar and Pedro. It was a match where the team did well on the first half, and the fans (especially me) were excited to watch. But Lucho failed to see the positives from that match, sadly:, and never used it again.

2014 came to an end. And Luis Enrique saw fit to give Messi, Neymar and Alves extra vacation days, even though he was aware they would arrived 2 days before the match. And, on the first training session in 2015 happened, Messi and Lucho, who hadn’t talked to each other in over a month, argued badly.

It was a training session open to the players’ families and friends. Messi’s family was there. And after Lucho overruled one of his goals during a 5×5 match, Messi disagreed with him. They exchanged offenses, made threats to each other and almost came to blows. 2 days before the match in a stadium we had never won, and in front of several people. Messi and his family were vexed by the episode.

48 hours later, Messi and Neymar did not start the match. The team conceded early and produced an abysmal display on the first half. And Messi started to warm up before the break. And they argued again. The coach who had chosen not to start him, now needed him to save the team with only 45 minutes left. Messi told him that, then also argued with the coach’s shrink, one of his assistants that most players cannot stand.

Even though Messi, then Neymar, came on, the team only managed 4 shots on target. The system, the plan, the tactics simply weren’t good enough. Messi got tired of that, of playing in a way he knew would not lead the team to any glory, and exposed him as the savior of the project.

Then this chaotic week started.

Messi missed Monday’s training session, Zubi was fired, Puyol left, and Messi decided to put pressure on Bartomeu by following Chelsea on Instagram:

Two days after that, all the situation regarding the team and Messi/Lucho and especially all the errors committed by the board, made Bartomeu announce there will be elections in 2015. And Bartomeu has talked to Messi to say he’s with him, and if that push comes to shove, Luis Enrique will be replaced.

No Way Back

The fact of the matter is: the only way Luis Enrique remains as coach does not depend on his result against Atleti. We may win the match 5-0, with a repoker from Messi. Lucho will only remain as coach if he makes mends with Messi; and Messi, and the rest of the squad that aren’t happy with Lucho, decide to start again, to trust each other, to make the changes needed both on the training ground and the system.

But I don’t believe that will happen. Don’t see it at all. Lucho will not finish this season, and it isn’t because Messi and the other players want him out. It’s due to the fact he simply isn’t good enough.

26 matches and we don’t know what is our system, our style. The players are not happy with how we play, with how they are treated by the coach. Lucho set out to become the “boss”, but never cared enough to show the traits of a leader. A leader knows that he is the not the most important person on the group. The group, the wellness of the group is always the priority.

The club cannot have a situation like the one we saw on the Elche match. Chants praising Lucho being jeered by the majority of the stadium, that then proceeds to chant Messi’s name emphatically. It’s insanity. It’s not sustainable at all.

The danger of not being a leader and dealing with people who will only give their best under clear ideas, by being respected and feeling a connection towards the coach is that you cannot change things after so much has happened. Lucho just gave a press conference where he says all is well between him… and his staff. Did not mention the players. And, without them, he’s just as hopeless as we are of seeing our team perform well of win any titles.


Oscar Garcia Junyent

oscar player

The Player

Oscar Garcia Junyent was a very promising La Masia player who came from Sabadell at the age of 9, and played for every single Spanish NT Youth team, but ended up not getting many chances on his first four years with the first team due to the fact it was the Dream Team era, and even though he was seen as Bakero’s successor.

So he was loaned out to Albacete, where he spent the 1994-1995 season, and did well enough return to FC Barcelona and play a relevant role on the 1995-1996 season, where he ended up scoring 10 goals from 11 matches, and lost the real possibility of a Triplete (Liga, Copa and UEFA Cup) on the last 2 weeks of the season.

Even though Johan Cruijff, his biggest inspiration and the person who instilled in him the way to see the game, the style and the philosophy he liked and was part at, had left, Oscar remained on the squad until he decided to leave for Valencia in 1999, where he stayed for one season, scored beautiful goals, but was never a fit with the team’s physical style. He then went to Espanyol, where he played from 2000-2004 with several ex-La Masia players, including his brother, Roger. He retired Lleida, due to recurring injuries, when he was 32 years old.

Oscar’s playing style was once described as “A 6 who could play as a 4, but had the ability to attack like an 8 and could finish like a 9”, which means he could run and organize the team, but could also be a pivote, and had the ability to dribble and enter the area, while being a good finisher. A useful midfielder for the FC Barcelona system, a player Cruijff believed in. Oscar could interpret the games, was very intelligent, could read the spaces well, was very technically gifted and could play 1-2s with anyone. You could say he suffered from the same fate Thiago Alcantara went through at FCB: a midfielder that could literally play anywhere and was certainly good enough, but the lack of time and tries to find the perfect spot never really turned him into a vital part of the team. But the fans always remember him as a La Masia player that, even though never gave them all they hope he would, was always capable of providing something useful to the team, and the Camp Nou could always notice that.

Here’s what Oscar said about his playing career in 2014: “Oscar the coach would not pick Oscar the player. I made a mistake when I was a player because I thought I knew everything. It was too easy for me and that was a big mistake. I had a lot of talent and maybe I thought I didn’t have to work as hard. I do not want to repeat that mistake as a manager. Everybody said I could have been so much better, but as a manager I will be, I will be the best I possibly can”.

oscar manager

The Coach

From 2005 until 2009, Oscar actually thought he was gonna be a pundit, but really we has already taking notes of several matches he watched. Football, and the philosophy he was brought up in, was actually what he liked. After these 4 transitional years from player to coach, he enrolled in a course to get his coaching credentials.

At first, he was the Catalunya’s NT U-18 team, and then Johan Cruijff himself invited him to be his assistant on the NT’s first team. Later on, and with the required credentials, he returned to La Masia and became the  Juvenil A’s coach for the 2010-11 season. At the end of 2011, he was finally a professional football coach.

He spent 2 seasons there, winning titles with the Juvenil A team. After the first season, where the team won everything available (3 out of 3 titles, only 3 defeats in 50 matches, more than 100 goals scored), and he coached and developed players like Deulofeu, Icardi, Rafinha and Dongou, he was chosen as the coach to replace Luis Enrique on Barça B.

But that choice that had been made by sporting factors was overruled in the offices of the Presidency, who never actually liked having someone so close to Cruijff under their ranks. That’s when Eusebio became Barça B’s coach. But Oscar Garcia remained at the club.

On his second year there, he suffered greatly. He was often starved of his best players by Eusebio, and most of these players ended up not playing in either side. That way, Oscar Garcia could not compete and lost on the Next Gen Series and on the Juvenil A Liga. On the day the Juvenil A was knocked out of the European competition by Ajax, not a single board member went down the dressing room to compliment the kids…
Even though he was unhappy, he was told by Zubizarreta that Eusebio would leave Barça B, so he stayed until the end of the 2011-12 season as Juvenil A coach under that promise. And he was lied to. Eusebio would be renewed a month later, and again Oscar would be starved of players. He ended up losing the Liga on the last match day. Eusebio had taken Dongou from him, and didn’t even use the player on Barça B. Then Oscar finally realized he had to leave, that the way he saw football and his closeness to Cruijff was hurting him inside his own club, the club that owes its greatest successes to Johan…

After being mistreated for a whole season, in a way he could not even work properly with his players, the press even had the nerve to say Oscar was the one who could not deal with the club and not even the players. Classy. This board and the press never liked him for his personality, his views and his friends. Being a great coach did not change that.

Oscar then went to Israel, to coach Maccabi after being invited by Jordi Cruijff, and managed to win the League for the first time in 10 years. And he did while applying the system he was raised as a footballer, the system he could learn from Cruijff himself. Even the adversaries would come up to him to congratulate for how the Maccabi was playing, and some teams were even trying to do the same. And the Israeli NT, who didn’t use to call up any Maccabi player, now was calling 5-6 of his players. Besides that, the NT itself was inspired by the brand of football Oscar had taken to the Middle East.

The year was very successful, but Oscar missed his family and left Israel.

After his success in Israel, Oscar Garcia took the reins at Brighton for the 2013-2014, and managed to take them to the Championship Play-Offs, but was knocked off on the semi-finals, and finished the league on the 6th position.

In June/2014, he went back to Maccabi, but left the country due to the conflicts near Gaza. In September/2014 he signed with Watford, but only stayed there for a month, since he had health issues.

He has since recovered and now works as a pundit in Spain, working for radios and writing for some newspapers. He’ll soon resume coaching.

Here are some quotes from Oscar regarding his playing style and philosophy:

“You need the ball, but also know what to do with it. The ball has to run, but it doesn’t mean that the player has to run as much as it, even though it’s evident the player must be very well prepared to enter such dynamic. You need a physical work with a great focus on the mentality. You must be really prepared for it, but also willing to give your best for this idea. When you see how the players respond is when you know you got things right”.

“You get things right as a coach and leader when you see the players are involved. They are always positive around you. You can ask them for 10, and they give you 12. You can notice it on their eyes when they arrive for training. And when the training session is done, there are some who stay to “practice”. Such things, small details, are what matters the most when the actual match starts. And I was raised like that, since I was in La Masia”.

When asked if he would ever coach FCB’s first team in 2013: “Nobody knows that right now. If I’ve learned something is not to build castle out of air. If they ask me if I wanted to, the answer is evident. It wouldn’t be for the money or the prestige or anything else: being considered to coach the club of your life is priceless. If that ever comes to happen, I can’t tell. I have no idea. Sometimes, life changes around you in a second. And someone opens a door you never even knew was there”.

The Price of Genius #MessiNoEsToca


For those who are lucky enough to be considered geniuses, actual geniuses, and not the prostituted use of the word we see daily nowadays, the gift always (if not very often) comes with a certain degree of curse. The highly intelligent, for the way they get to see the world alone, will always show some sort of behavior that does fall under normalcy. But people forget a true genius has nothing normal about him. Flaws are not only present, but should be expected.

That goes for any field of work, but let’s see how the actual football geniuses behaved throughout the decades:

Di Stefano, the first big star in world football, was the crankiest individual you could have come across. Hard as nails on the pitch, be it with his own team mates, whom he ordered on the pitch like a General, or with the adversaries, whom he fought throughout the whole pitch to get the ball. He wasn’t easy going, and was especially tough on younger players. “You have to sweat a lot to earn this shirt”, he once said to a newcomer. The desire to win and succeed, however, was very clear on all his actions.

Garrincha, my favorite brazilian of all time, was an alcoholic who wanted nothing more than to be away from the spotlight and just play and drink with his childhood friends from Pau Grande. He wasn’t a rose on the pitch, either. Was even sent off on the 1962 World Cup semi-final (the World Cup he won by himself while Pelé was injured), and only played (and scored and won) the final because the Brazilian FA figured a maneuver out (as they always do).

Pelé himself, with his 1286 goals and 100 matches/season and 3 World Cups, was not a knight in shining armor. The man has presented several flaws during his life (fought his own daughter on the courts for 5 years, denying he was her father, then refusing to pay any kind of pension after DNA proved him wrong…), but was also hard to play against. Used his elbow frequently, argued constantly, sweared. Always showing his desire to win, of course. But not being the symbol of Fair Play he paints himself as now.

Johan Cruijff was football’s first rebel. The hair, the photo shoots, the opinions (not going to the 1978 World Cup because it was gonna be held on the dictatorial Argentina), the way he used his superior intelligence on the pitch. The man who invented the Cruijff Penalty was never gonna be a conformist. Always thinking out of the box, always seeing what was happening on the pitch clearly and pointing his team mates where to go, what to fix. A leader, that besides his flaws and the polemics around him, wanted to win and thrive more than anything.

Diego Armando Maradona. To most the most technically gifted player ever seen. Also, the biggest troublemaker and loudmouth you could think of. I could write a book (as I’m sure dozens of people already have) on all the off the pitch issues Diego has been part of from his teenage years at Argentinos Juniors  until… yesterday. But that has never stopped him from being considered one of the all-time greats, the biggest Argentine symbol, and to having a church for his followers back home. The genius is always valued higher than his flaws.

Romário is the best striker I have been blessed to witness. The goals I’ve seen him score from 1994 until 2008, from his 1994 World Cup until his last few years in Brazil will always stay with me. As will the fights (the man punched Diego Simeone!), the parties (even though he does not drink), the women, the beefs (“Pelé is a poet with his mouth shut), his semi-professionalism (“Had I trained harder and taken the game more seriously, I would have had more titles. But I wouldn’t have been as happy as I was and am nowadays”). Romário is the only player I know that has a song about him that says: “Why train every day, if I already know what I need to do?”. All of that extra stuff has not taken anything away from his genius, his unique traits as one of the most prolific goalscorers football has ever seen.

Eric Cantona. Period.

Ronaldo Nazário de Lima. The Phenomenon. The most technically gifted 9 you could have asked for. The man who restarted his career not once, but twice, after serious knee problems. Lost a World Cup final after having a seizure, than 4 years later came back (after 2 years without playing football due to injury) and scored 2 goals in the final to finally lift it as the star (in 1994 he didn’t play a single minute). But he drank. Smoked. Was caught with two women inside the Camp Nou once (and years later was caught with two transvestites in Rio, and even though he admitted to it, has managed to have the press basically never mention this happened…). Several failed marriages. Played overweight for most of his career after 2002.
But, besides all of that, besides not being an actual athlete after his World Cup glory, is considered one of the all-time greats. As he should. A genius.

I could go on, and on, and on. Mention Rivaldo and his need to convert players into his religion, Ronaldinho and his 2 years of partying and sleeping in massage tables instead of training, Francesco Totti and his violent outbursts. But you caught the idea.

There’s a price for getting to have a genius player. And the best player in history isn’t different.

Messi does not party. He likes to stay at home and play his PlayStation, and spend time with his son. He does not make ads constantly, or takes his shirt off after scoring useless goals so the film crew of his documentary gets a nice shot. He does not dive. He is generous with his team mates and always gives the assist, even though the only one seeing the passing lane is him. Has had a physio following him around every day, including during his vacations, since 2008. Has changed his diet so injuries would happen rarely. And even though the press (from Madrid) tries to paint him as someone who pushes players from his team, is always being called a great friend and player from “enemies” like Ibra, Villa and Alexis (I won’t even address the Tello rumors).

Lionel, however, does have flaws. He does not talk to the press in general (which doesn’t really bother me), he detests being on the bench, and wants to play every single match until it ends.

And that’s it. Two lines. Two lines of flaws Messi has shown us throughout his career. And in those two lines, you can see his biggest crime is wanting to be able to help the team win, at all times. He wants to make sure that, even though we may end up losing, he gave his all to avoid that.

Now that an arrogant and prepotent (and title-less) coach like Luis Enrique, who has arrived at the biggest club in the world thinking he is gonna be the “boss” of the squad that has had more winner’s medal than anyone else on the last decade, without actually showing traits of being a leader, people have started to see Messi as the bad guy. As the dictator. As someone who is hard to deal with.

Luis Enrique does not have issues only with Messi. He is distant from the dressing room, and prefers sending the shrink or one of his other assistant to talk to players. He has punished Martin Montoya extremely harshly and didn’t use him for almost 3 months because the player said he didn’t agree with him (and now that he needs Montoya, 3 starts in a row…). And I won’t even go into Lucho’s treatment of the press. The disdainful look he displays at all times is enough. The man hasn’t realized he isn’t talking to the journalists when he is talking about FCB. He is talking to us, the fans, to whom he owes explanations.

So we have the best player alive, who wants to win at all times and play all the matches, being coached by an egotistical man who thinks he is gonna bark orders and have some of the best players in world football obey blindly. How on Earth was this gonna end well? A leader earns people’s confidence. He leads them by example, by listening to them, by being present. By showing he cares. And Luis Enrique simply does not.

The best coaches, those who actually get to be called world class, are all leaders. Players respect them, listen to them, die for them. That is the one basic trait you need to succeed. When you don’t have that, can’t perform as a tactician and let your players know 90 minutes before a match at the Bernabeu how they are going to play, well…

The fact is: Messi does have flaws. He’s divine, but still a human being. But those flaws show his winning mentality and his wish to see the team win. He could be as laid back as Romário, for instance. But he isn’t. He’s a true athlete, a real sportsman and someone who has proven to work wonderfully under a real leader. Until we have that again, remember that genius has a price, but it is way less expensive than the price of arrogance and ineptitude.

D10s Writes Straight With Crooked Lines


He wouldn’t need to do anything else for our club. All time topscorer (also on La Liga. And UCL. And on El Clasico), best ever player, 3 UCLs, half a dozen La Liga titles. And only 27 years old.

But He did.

Last May, when He renewed (after being stalled for 9 months and being called “ese senyor” by a board member), all He asked the President was “give me a team so we can compete again”. He did not ask for money (which he got, cause he deserved it). He didn’t ask for extra years, or a “signing fee”. He asked to be able to compete again. To play well again. To compete. To win. To make us happy.

7 months later, He is fed up. Luis Enrique isn’t good enough (something that has been clear for quite some time, but only now people can actually see…), the squad is weak and older, La Masia is a mess, and the board is so inept we can’t even sign anyone until 2016. He is fed up at the board, the coach. And He is letting us know.

He is tired of playing as a RW because the coach can’t think of a way to use Him, Neymar and Suarez together (but managed to make Him and Neymar click, before Suarez debuted….). He is tired of having to start plays alongside Busquets, since the “midfield” is basically two clumps of players in each wing, and, besides that, is completely static. No movement, no players trying to open spaces. It’s all still, stale, old. Dead.

He does not want that. He does not want a coach who thinks he is better than all the other players (most of the players from the best team in History…), and that manages to be so clueless he didn’t even train how we would play at the Bernabeu (which the players were told a few minutes before the match started, and we lost without being able to actually compete with them). He wants to be happy, to make us happy.

So He is now following Chelsea on Instagram.

He has been following City for quite some time, mind you. But He decided to follow Chelsea, and Courtois and Filipe Luis on the same day Zubi and Puyol left the club, and a few days after the world was told FC Barcelona, one the richest clubs in the world, could not sign anyone until 2016. He knew exactly what he was doing.

With one click, He is telling us: “Hey, we need to get this board out. This coach out. I cannot make any of you, or myself, happy again if we do not change things. So, move. I will wait for you. I will not openly speak against them, cause you know how reserved I am. But this will get the whole world’s attention. They won’t be able to handle the pressure, but you, the socis, have to help me out. Push them out. They half one foot in the snow already”.

If He ACTUALLY wanted to leave, to sign with any other club in the world, he would. Quietly. Secretly. Not like a teenager who just found a new crush. What He did today is good news. He cares and loves this club way more than the people who have put us in this situation, and especially more than the “culers” who are right this second fuming at Him and his family for his Instragram antics.

Now, if He happens to be extremely dumb (which he isn’t) and is actually going to Chelsea and is letting us know via Instagram…. Good riddance. The lack of tact, respect and overall sense would so huge, so disgusting, even someone like me, who literally has a painting of him at home, would be glad to see him gone, for the disrespect alone.

But… that isn’t the case. He is trying to set us free from this board, this coach, the people who have prevented us from being happy since that distant day in 2013 when Tito and Abidal lifted our last relevant trophy. Seems like a century ago, but we can be happy like that again.

He wants that, and is trying His best. He could have been politically correct, like Xavi and Iniesta, who said everything was fine after yesterday. But he didn’t. He feels. He couldn’t even train today, which often happens when he doesn’t start a match, especially if the team loses due to it. Some people may see fit to lash against him for doing it (and I agree, in part, because there were kids waiting for him today).

But I prefer a man who feels such frustration he couldn’t make us happy, such hate, that staying at home and sending messages through Instragram was the best he could do. And, trust me, this has been a Hell of a gift.

This board was basically done after the failed TAS appeal. Now that Zubi, and especially Puyol will not serve as shields, they have nothing. Can’t promise signings, can’t say we’ll win anything since we’re playing so badly. All they have is Him. And He does not want them, does not want to help them. He wants them gone.

And, in 48 hours (or less), that might happen.

And then, with elections confirmed and the man who gave him the number 10 shirt (Laporta) being the front runner and most likely to win He will be able to be happy again, doing what He does best and consistantly: making our days better, twice a week, 60 times per season. Even if it is by some crooked Instragram lines.



Newton wasn’t really hit on the head by an apple when he started his 20 year-path towards his theory. There mere fact there were apple trees on his garden and he often saw them fall towards the earth’s center, made him question what he knew about nature, and caused him to work hard to discover what he could.

Luis Enrique saw a lot of apples falling on the Camp Nou yesterday. His 343 plan, in theory, is exactly what we need to fit in Suarez while keeping our own system and philosophy. Cruijff himself used to apply such system in a team that not only gave us our first UCL, but was called The Dream Team. Diamond in the midfield, 2 wingers, 1 striker and a 10 behind him. But it wasn’t perfect. Luckily, the apples were there to help him and us see what is needed ahead.

First of all, it seems Lucho remains on his crusade to prove the media wrong. Happened several times already this season, especially when he took Messi out against Ajax, but it seems he has to prove he can make Mascherano-Busquets works. Definitely he can’t in a 433, but it was better in a 343. Still, gotta drop it for good, at least in starting lineups. While we did have a 4-man diamond in theory, Busquets could not muster up enough positioning awareness and actual playing time to be a CM in the molds of Xavi.

Besides that, the back three (how good it feels to type that) still needs a lot more training and time actually using the 343 system to get used to it. The center channel was blocked and both Zlatan and Cavani did very little. Meanwhile, Matuidi and especially Lucas Moura ran riot through the flanks. PSG could have gone 0-2 up if Lucas was a better finisher.

But we won, even after the awful first 20 minutes of the second half, where he achieved nothing. So let’s count how many apples Luis Enrique should count, notice and use to get his brave plan yesterday working better.

1st Apple: Bartra. While several people still blame him for that Bale goal (Alves was the culprit, and he was in RM’s first goal that night), Marc rarely plays badly for us. His tenacity, focus and pace are refreshing. So with Pique apparently back from his 2-year poker tour and Mathieu doing well as CB (which didn’t happen at all yesterday), how do we fit him in our starting line-up? As the tall, fast, focused fullback we have missed since the glorious Eric Abidal left and took our defensive balance with him. Alba has been one of our most regular players this season, and we missed him dearly in the months he lost due to injury in 13-14. Neymar, Alba, Iniesta/Rakitic on the left should be our focus now. Alves hasn’t actually been a RB in over 2 years, Montoya is leaving and very few people know why, and Douglas should never have been bought. So, right now, our best starting back four is Bartra, Pique, Mathieu and Alba. Balance, height and actual meritocracy in place.

2nd Apple: Xavier Hernandez Creus. Using a double pivote in the middle for a 4-man diamond midfield in a 343 was not a good choice. But not starting the best Spanish player of all time in the one match you’re trying such system is pure madness. We won and were decent, but with Xavi on that first half we would have controlled the match with calm while creating way more chances than PSG (we had the same by the end of the match yesterday…). I understand he will not start every match, but in big matches where we should look for control and not chaos, not starting Xavi to field a double pivote is just a waste of everyone’s time. Nothing is gonna happen, he’s gonna have to come on and save everyone’s asses yet again. 4 minutes was all it took for us to score the 3rd after Xavi came on yesterday. Coincidence?

3rd Apple: Luis Suarez is a striker. The man should never drop to the wings to merely stretch up play. He made a great assist yesterday, made Sirigu pull a great save and finally scored at the Camp Nou (after Messi was gracious enough to leave the rebound to him). He gave Thiago Silva a lot of work and used the space David Luiz left behind after his usual charges very well. With Messi being fed behing him (and not starting plays besides Bartra, like it happened yesterday due to the double pivotes…), we are gonna see some great football coming our way.

Luis Enrique got points with me yesterday. Tried the 343, trusted in Bartra then took him out so the Camp Nou could applaud him and was very active, gesturing and telling the players what to do the whole of match. He was actually more focused and vibrant yesterday. That’s what we need: someone to see which system will suit us better, to have the balls to put the players we actually need and to be with the players while we do it.

I find it very, very odd he experiments on the UCL and is very rigid with his La Liga line-ups (apart from the disaster at the Bernabeu). First the crazy lineup against APOEL, then what happened yesterday. He could have tested the 343 against Espanyol, for instance, than actually  put in the place against PSG. La Liga has a lot of weaker teams that allow us the chance to experiment, to achieve a better version of ourselves. Testing a 343 after 20+ games against PSG in a match he HAD to win was a bit extreme. I just hope he is taking the UCL seriously enough and not taking risks in La Liga due to priorities. Cause our priority shouldn’t be winning La Liga: should be developing this young team, having the system work the way we need it to, with an actual midfield running the show and a balanced backline. There were apples falling yesterday to show Luis Enrique the way. I only hope he noticed them, otherwise, it will all come crashing down over his head.

Revenge is a dish best not served.

rosell laporta barca barcelona barcablog barca blog barcelona rosell laporta barca barcelona barcablog barca blog barcelona

2003 was a pretty important year for FC Barcelona. Gaspart was ousted, and with him any vestige of Nuñez 22 year stint as our President. In came Joan Laporta, a young, successful, charming lawyer, who got our club in dire financial situation, awful sporting reality, violence in the stands from the Ultras. Basically hardship all around. A tough, tough challenge. But with his and his board’s vision of bringing the club into the XXI century, turning the club in a proper company and managing it the same way, he was made it possible, in only 3 years, to finish as runner up in La Liga once, win it twice and also carry home a Champions League trophy, something we weren’t able to do in 14 years. Not only that: by the end of his 7 year term, we won 2 more UCL titles, and 3 more La Liga titles, along with Copa Del Rey and various Supercups. He revived our club, the fan’s excitement about the team, bet on Pep Guardiola as our manager, and everything worked out. We even won 6 titles in the same year, something never done before or since. He was the best President FC Barcelona ever had and made it possible so the best football ever witnessed could come to fruition.

I urge you to take 90 minutes and watch this documentary on Laporta’s first year as President. It’s really worth your time, and shows the challenges they faced, how they dealt with it all, and even showed a little glimpse of who his adversaries among his board were gonna be:

Sandro Rosell was his closest ally. Hell, they were actually good friends. But Sandro’s eternal lust for power and influence made them grow apart, and eventually he left the board, only to come back as the opposition to Laporta in 2010. And he won.

Thing is: that wasn’t enough for him. Sandro Rosell, a man has ties with the worst people in football, (as you can read here:; and here:, and here:, and here:, and also here:, decided to cook Laporta’s books.

Laporta left the club with an 11 million euro surplus, but Rosell had the books cooked and audited, so it seemed Laporta had left the club with over 80 mi euros in losses. Which was not true. But it didn’t matter: Rosell called up and Assembly of socis in 2010, and had an historic vote: for the first time in Spanish football history, a club would sue their previous President/board for losses on their term. And it passed. 29 votes was difference. And it took 4 years for Laporta’s and his board’s image to be cleared. Which happened today.

Guardiola asked Rosell and the current board to stop pursuing such case. They didn’t listen. Actually, Rosell then proceeded to shone Cruijff away from the club, and made it possible so Pep Guardiola would also leave. But hey, he offered a blank check so Guardiola could name his price! He certainly did all he could to keep him…

In the last 4 years, Rosell managed to take UNICEF out of our shirt. Drove Cruijff and Guardiola out of the club. Lied to every single FC Barcelona fan and soci, and to Abidal himself, and did not renew his contract after promising to do so. Drove Keita away, due to wages. Put Qatar and their oil money on our shirt, our stands and even on the outside of our stadium. It doesn’t matter that they fund terrorist groups in the Middle East. We “wouldn’t be able to compete with top European clubs if it weren’t for them!”.

Rosell also signed Neymar for 57,1 million euros, period. Oh, no, sorry, it was 86 million. Oops, damn, it was actually 86mi, then we paid 13 million to avoid a fiscal case, but Hacienda and Fiscalia are chasing it anyway, and the club has already planned to pay another 20 million euros if things go south. So it’s gonna be something around 120 million euros for Neymar. And, a few months after, there were problems renewing Messi, because apparently “we don’t need to renew with this senyor every 6 months”!

Neymar’s signing made him resign. Oh, no, sorry. It was due to “personal reasons”. Apparently someone used a BB gun and shot his house up. “What a shame! How the President who brought the ultras back to the Camp Nou, and even paid so they could go to away Champions League matches was gonna be attacked like that?!” Exactly. He wasn’t. Another lie.

In four years, Rosell managed to destroy the best football team in the world, send the best football coach in the world away, took away the soul of our club by tainting our shirt with Qatar money, did not keep our squad current, pissed off Messi to such an extent a dying Tito Vilanova had to convince him to stay with us. Then left like the coward he is. And left his new best pal, Bartomeu, as the President no one voted for, in charge.

And in those four years, Laporta and his board were seen as criminals. Thieves. The people who had worked hard to put this club back on its feet, without financial peril, being able to compete for big titles again and to make the fans happy, were being treated badly, while the one person who lied to put them in this position and was actively destroying this club and everything they built, was still regarded as a hero for not using colored printers in the club’s offices…

Today, it all changed. Laporta and his board were found not guilty of any losses from their term. In fact, they left the club with 4 million euros in surpluses. Which means one simple thing: the current board has the right to appeal in the next 20 days. If they don’t, and I believe that’s gonna be the case, the 57 million in actual losses is gonna be awarded to them. They are gonna to explain how that happened now. Curious, isn’t it?

If they decide to appeal, which I sincerely don’t see happening, than Laporta and 7 of his board members would have to pay 2,9 million euros each to the LFP, for something so laughable most people won’t even believe: when Laporta took over in 2003, there were 8 days still remaining in Gaspart’s term. So when Laporta’s board presented their books in 2006, someone from the Spanish judicial system saw fit to put the losses Gaspart had in the WHOLE 2002-2003 season on Laporta’s back. One whole year was passed on due to 8 days. That sums up Spain and why Catalunya wants to be free quite nicely…

Rosell was a board member in the most important period in FC Barcelona modern history. He helped us get back at our fit and even managed to bring Ronaldinho to the Camp Nou. But his lust for power and his complete lack of dignity and ethics (I will not use the world criminal, but that is surely coming…) sent us back several steps. He damaged our image, and nowadays our club has more news regarding sentences than actual good football and titles.

In the coming weeks or months, FC Barcelona fans should expect 3 more sentences. The final Neymar case one, which could cost us another 20 million euros; the TAS ruling, which most likely will not allow us to sign any players until 2016; and the MCM case, which could make the club pay over 100 million euros due to a breach of contract that happened under Rosell’s watch.

Sandro Rosell took over as our President with the clear intent of having revenge against Laporta, for whatever reason his sick mind came up with. So far, all he has done is severely damage our club, strengthen the opposition and be regarded as the “Runaway President”. Everything that starts will ill intent is eventually punished. I just hope our club manages to purge its blemishes sooner rather than later. This man has done enough. It’s time we rebuild, peacefully, and focus on the important part of football: the actual sport, and being able to enjoy our team without a divisions among fans and socis. We’ve had enough.

We went to the Bernabeu. And we (are) lost.


It isn’t the fact we lost El Clasico. It’s how we did it. A stupid Pique penalty; a goal from a corner where not one of our players remembered Pepe was there; and a massive fuck up between Luis Enrique (who shouldn’t have made the Xavi sub to begin with, let alone during a corner kick), Iniesta (who stumbled on Mathieu) and Mascherano (who saved us many times after this mistake). All grave, individual errors, yes. But we weren’t a team. Especially, not the team we’ve come to know since 2008.

Luis Enrique is not using the FC Barcelona/Masia system. This is the cold truth. This idea of his of using “wingers in the center”, then giving the flanks so the fullbacks attack as they wish will not prosper in big matches. We saw that against PSG and now had to endure Real Madrid making it very, very clear, again. His system basically leaves us with not actual midfield, since both CMs have to stay close to the wing to cover for the fullbacks, who are always attacking, by the way. Busquets is left all alone, with acres of space to cover, and no CM near him to help him in the defensive transitions. It’s all too far apart, trying way too much to be vertical and completely letting go of the importance of having the control of the match. Not the Barça way, at all.

Of course his system has advantages. Messi and Neymar have never been so good together, linking up superbly well, and being responsible for over 80% of our goals. But that’s it. The notion we had a great defensive structure is now completely blown out of the water after the debacle against Madrid. PSG warned us and Luis Enrique, but nothing changed. We conceded 3 times again, yet this time Ter Stegen wasn’t there to be blamed…

Luis Enrique’s biggest sin, by a distance, isn’t messing and basically disintegrating our famous midfield. It’s the fact he decided to not use actual wingers. Since 1988, when a certain Johan took over as our coach, we’ve played 433, with wingers. We have been doing that since then, and being quite successful, may I add. There are 4 UCL trophies in our museum to prove it, and more La Liga ones than any other team in the same period.

All Masia teams use wingers. Deulofeu and Adama are superb players, but we won’t be seeing them playing this season, because Luis Enrique decided he would change the system that has given us everything since 1988. That’s another hard truth. Wingers are the base to how Cruijff sees football. They help defend, cause they pressure up the oppositions fullbacks and wingers; help the midfield dominate play, since they stretch the opposition’s defenders, making the middle of the pitch less populated by default; they add movement to each attacking effort, cause, besides already stretching the defense, they can also make runs and make themselves available for passes from a certain Lionel Messi. Hell, we even used Thierry Henry as a winger to keep the system alive! And won a Treble for his/our troubles.

Luis Enrique has the potential to become a world class coach. But right now, he’s far from it. He’s hard working, focused, has a modern approach to football, built a young and serious staff around him, and makes the players be at their best fitness possible. All the players pressure, they all run their hearts out, they are focused. But all of that without proper tactics, without respecting the FC Barcelona way of playing won’t be of much help to him and to the team. He should have started using the system we and all Masia kids know, then slowly making the changes so the way he sees football can also be seen by the players, the adversaries, and us. Right now, apart from the results against average La Liga teams, there isn’t much to see. 2 real tests, 2 losses, 6 goals conceded. We need changes, and serious ones.

Apart from the system, Luis Enrique has to decide if he actually values meritocracy or not. So far, he’s talked more about it than actually put it in place. Pique is the best example, by far. Clearly not fit, the player cannot turn, let alone run like a professional footballer. Had 2 bad performances on the 2 matches leading up to El Clasico. Yet, he started it.
The same can be said about Xavi. Right now, he’s the most in form MF we have, yet Enrique decided to take him our during a corner kick, put Rakitic in (who hasn’t been the same since we went to Paris) and kept Iniesta playing (who also hasn’t been his same since the start of the season, and so far has only had flashes of his usual genius). The result? We conceded right after Xavi left, with mistakes from both Rakitic and Iniesta. Actually applying meritocracy could have prevented that, maybe. We can’t be sure, but it sure is better to lose/concede while fielding the players that actually deserve to be on the pitch.

Lucho talks about meritocracy, but Pedro, who’s been in decline since 11-12, but has now reached rock bottom, keeps having minutes to add nothing in the pitch. Alves, apart from his excellent performance today, is also far from his best. And Sergi Roberto, who clearly will not become a starter on this team, or stay in Barcelona for much longer, gets minutes instead of Rafinha, the best player Luis Enrique had when he coached Celta. But the best example to prove our coach doesn’t really do as he says, is Sandro.

Sandro is the closest 9 we have to Suarez. He came on as a sub on basically all Liga matches, and helped us win in each of them (apart from Malaga). Scored more than Munir, provided the space so Messi and Neymar could score on several occasions, yet… he didn’t have a single start under Luis Enrique. And today, the day Suarez finally debuted, he was sent back to Barça B. Meanwhile, Pedro keeps his place as the “4th forward”. I’m sorry, but he is not using the players who are actually working hard to earn playing time.

The measure of a good coach is being able to change the system and the way the team is playing without making a single sub. Guardiola could go from 433, to 343, then to 4312 in a matter of minutes. It all depended on the way the adversary was playing. Today, Madrid was fielding a midfield with zero CDMs. If we have our proper midfield, playing close to each other, making triangulations and having wingers to stretch the play, while having Suarez giving trouble to their CBs… it could have been different. We could all see that their midfield was just using our flanks and letting us do the same. And Luis Enrique decided to just left Mathieu (!) keep attacking when he saw fit, and focused most of our attacking moves on the left wing. Meanwhile, a certain Lionel Messi didn’t receive the ball. Just watched as we uselessly tried to turn Mathieu into something he is not.

When Guardiola left, some people even said he did it because we had lost to Chelsea. Funny thing, that. I’d rather lose just like the way we did that day on the Camp Nou to the Blues, when we knew we did all we could to win, including hits to the post and last man tackles and brilliant saves from Cech, than to win with a system that only makes it hard to do something our team has learned to do, and love, since 1988. It’s not about winning, for us. It’s about how well we do it. And, so far, we are not winning well enough, nor winning the matches that matter. We need serious changes, and I hope Lucho is wise enough to realize that and implement them. Most of them have been used since 1988. All he needs is to be humble and pay heed to what was being done right before he arrived as our coach.

Farewell, Zarra. Hello, Muller.


59 years later, Telmo Zarra’s impressive goalscoring record in La Liga is about to be broken. Bilbao’s legendary player required 15 seasons to score 251 goals. And very soon, Lionel Messi, after 10 seasons, will manage to put his name above all others.

We could talk about the differences between football now and in the 50s, but the fact of the matter is: Messi plays like a 50s player, like Casciari brilliantly put in on his homage to him: With that being said, it was only a matter of time that he would beat a 59 year old record. He belongs to that era. We just are lucky enough to be able to witness him, twice a week, in the XXI century.

Thing is: 251 goals, after 10 seasons and being 27 years old means he will score a lot more before the day he decides to retire. And when he does, it’s more than likely he won’t just be La Liga’s all time goalscorer. He will also be the European leagues’ top goalscorer. All he needs to do is keep his rather “average” scoring rate.

Here’s how things stand right now:

European Top Goalscorers

Messi scored 248 times in the last decade, roughly 24,8 per season. If he keeps this up for the next 5 years (and he could play way past his 32nd birthday, and easily score more than 25 goals/season…), he would add 125 goals to his tally by the time he’s 32. 248 + 125 = 373. Beating Muller to the throne is feasible. I would even say it’s even natural he manages that, after beating Muller’s record in 2013.

I’m aware Messi just returned from his worst season in a long while, where injuries and off-the-pitch issues messed him up. But knowing Messi, how FCB plays and how (unfortunately) most La Liga teams aren’t a challenge, 25 goals/season is something he will comfortably reach. Staying 5 more years at FCB, especially if the team is run by a competent and ambitious coach like Luis Enrique, is also something that is bound to happen. Messi just renewed his contract, is happy, and even got his son Thiago a soci card.

32 years old. 373 league goals. Sounds about right when you think about Messi’s future.

But, if I were a betting man, I’d wager he would play at least another 7 years, and retire at 34-35 with over 400 league goals scored. Breaking barriers has been his thing so far, so reaching a number of goals no other player in Europe ever did wouldn’t surprise many.

I’ve come to learn a lot about football since I started following FCB, Messi and Pep. And if there’s one thing I won’t ever do, is doubt Lionel Messi or think he has reached his pinnacle. All he does is prove that as long and he’s having fun and playing alongside eager team mates, the goals will go in and the titles will come. As Casciari put it, it seems he doesn’t know the rules, and couldn’t care less about them. All he wants is the ball, and to put it between the sticks as many times as he possibly can.